Assign Tags to Volunteers
A tag is a flag that can then be used to quickly identify a specific group of volunteers.
Tags are created in the Tags Configuration tutorial and can be assigned to volunteers by following the steps below.
- To locate all volunteers who have a specific tag, conduct a Search for Volunteers and select the tag in the “Criteria” section.
- From the Main Menu, click Volunteers then click Volunteer list.
Alternatively, you can click the Active Volunteers counter on the Dashboard. - To assign tag(s) to an individual volunteer: Click Assign Tag(s) in the volunteer’s dropdown menu.
Select the desired tag(s), then click Assign. - To assign tag(s) to multiple volunteers: Check the boxes next to the names of the desired volunteers. Then, select Assign Tag(s) from the “Selected Volunteers/Teams” dropdown menu and click Apply. Select the desired tag(s), then click Assign.
- To assign tag(s) to all of the volunteers listed: Select Assign Tag(s) from the “All Search Result” dropdown menu and click Apply. Select the desired tag(s), then click Assign.
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