Coordinators are assigned by organizations to help perform administrative tasks from their own portal, such as create an opportunity, add, assign, schedule, and log hours for the volunteers, as well as verify hours for their designated opportunity and location.
- Coordinator Login
- Coordinator Dashboard
- Main Menu
- Calendar
- Opportunities
- Volunteers/Teams
- Programs
- Managing Volunteers
- Quick Assign Volunteers
- Batch Schedule Changes
Coordinator Login
- If you don't have an account in VolunteerEasy, the organization admin must first follow the Creating a Coordinator tutorial. Once the account is created, you will receive an email notification containing your login information.
- Click the website link or go to the organization's public site to login.
- Click on the ‘Volunteer/Team/Student Login’ found at the top right corner of the page.
- On the login pop-up, enter your username and password, then click Login.
- This will open the 'Volunteering Dashboard' of your own volunteering account, where you can manage your own volunteering activities.
- To switch to the Coordinator Dashboard, click on the Coordinator View button the top right corner.
Note: If you have been assigned as coordinator by multiple organizations, you will see the organization selection screen where you can select which organization you want to manage. Otherwise, the page will direct you to the Coordinator Dashboard.
Coordinator Dashboard
- Participants – Opens the Active Participants list where you can view and access participant records.
- Teams – Opens the Teams list where you can view and access team records.
- Opportunities – Opens your opportunity list.
- Verified Hours – Displays the total Verified Hours of the participants in your database.
- Unverified Hours – Displays the total Unverified Hours of the participants in your database.
- Programs- Opens your programs list.
Main Menu
- Add New - Where you can add opportunity and hours.
- Recent - Shows your recent visited pages.
- Dashboard – Opens your Coordinator Dashboard.
- Calendar – Opens the Calendar View of your opportunities.
- Opportunities – Opens your opportunity list where you can manage.
- Volunteers/Teams – Opens your complete list of Volunteers/Teams.
- Programs - Opens your list of programs.
- Volunteer/Team Time Off - Opens the list of volunteers/teams time offs.
- Quick Assign and Schedule Volunteers – Opens the page where you can mass assign and schedule volunteers.
- Batch Schedule Change – Opens the page where you can change schedules for multiple volunteers.
Calendar (Calendar View)
This calendar displays your opportunities scheduled by date, including the opportunity’s location, schedule, slot and number of assigned volunteers.
- By default, the calendar will display the schedule all of your opportunities. You can filter this calendar by opportunity.
- By default, the calendar will display the current week/month. You can change this date filter anytime.
- By default, the calendar will display the ‘Week View’. You can change this to ‘Day’ or ‘Month’.
This list displays opportunities that you have created and that have been assigned to you. This is also where you can add new opportunities.
Note: If you are assigned to a program, all opportunities tied to that program will be available to you.
To add a Basic Opportunity, follow the Creating a Basic Opportunity tutorial.
To add an Advanced Opportunity, follow the 4-part tutorial on Creating Advanced Opportunity.
Volunteers/Teams List
This list displays all volunteer and team records in your database. You can click on the volunteer/team name to view and/or edit their profile.
This list displays the programs assigned to you by the organization. It includes the counters for associated opportunities, participants and hours logged.
Volunteer/Team Time Off
The Time Off feature allows you to schedule a “leave” for volunteers while at the same time cancelling all their scheduled opportunities on those dates. This will also remind you not to schedule the volunteer since the volunteer is unavailable on those dates.
Note: Use the “Time Off” only when the volunteer is temporarily taking a time off from volunteering. If they are on leave indefinitely, you can make them inactive by following the Deactivate Volunteers tutorial.
To schedule a time off, follow the Scheduling Time Off for Volunteer tutorial.
Managing Volunteers of an Opportunity
You will be able to manage volunteers for opportunities assigned to you. For opportunities that you have created, you will be able to manage the volunteers once your opportunity is approved.
Clicking the Manage Volunteers button will direct you to the opportunity’s Volunteer Management page.
This list displays all the volunteers assigned to the opportunity.
- You can search or filter this list by shift and/or date range.
- Displays the complete names of the volunteers.
- Displays the ‘Next Step’ for each volunteer (e.g. Scheduling, Log Hours).
- Displays the number of verified hours of that volunteer.
- Displays the number of unverified hours of that volunteer.
- Remove Volunteer –Allows you to remove the volunteer from the opportunity
- Add Schedule – Allows you to Add a new schedule for the volunteer
- View Schedule – Allows you to View the volunteer’s existing schedule
Adding Schedule
When scheduling, you must select the venue, shift, position and date/s for the volunteer.
Viewing Schedule
- Edit – Allows you to edit the existing schedule
- View – Allows you to view all the dates under the schedule
- Delete – Allows you to delete the entire schedule
- Delete Future Occurrence - Allows you to delete future schedules
Taking Attendance for Participants of an Opportunity
You can use the Attendance feature for logging participant hours. This is an easier way of logging hours for multiple volunteers.
- The date defaults to the current date. You can change the date for which you’d like to take attendance.
- You will have the option to either ‘Check In’ or ‘No Show’ the volunteer. You can also click ‘Check In All’ if you want to check in all the volunteers at the same time.
- You can also print a ‘Sign-in Sheet’ for this particular list of attendees. You can bring this sign-in sheet on the site.
- You’ll also be able to export an excel sheet of the list of attendees.
Sample Sign-in Sheet
Quick Assign and Schedule Volunteers
This method also allows you to create “configurations” for volunteer assignments, where you can preset details such as opportunity location, shift, and dates to use again for future quick assigns.
To quick assign and schedule volunteers, follow the Assign Multiple Volunteers Using Quick Assign and Schedule tutorial.
Batch Schedule Change
This is where you can change existing schedules for multiple volunteers. This comes handy when there is a change in venue, shift, position and/or dates.
- Select the date range and opportunity to find existing schedules for changing. You can also add additional location/shift/position filters. Click Find.
- The list will display all volunteer of the opportunity with schedules within the date range. Select the volunteer/s to change schedules.
- Click Change Schedule to proceed.
- On this page is also where you can view the Changes History.
- On the next step, it will display the summary of the schedule to change.
- This is also the page where you select the new location, shift, position and date/s.
- Click Save.
Batch Schedule Change History
This page will display all the Mass Schedule Changes that you have performed along with its details.
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