Assign Multiple Volunteers Using Quick Assign and Schedule
This method also allows you to create “configurations” for volunteer assignments, where you can preset details such as opportunity location, shift, and dates to use again for future quick assigns.
Note: This section applies only to your VAC’s own opportunities.
- From the Main Menu, click Quick Assign and Schedule Volunteers.
- Select an Opportunity from the “Select Opportunity” dropdown menu.
- If you have previously set up a configuration for this opportunity that you wish to use, click Assign Volunteer in its dropdown menu and skip to step 10.
Note: To edit a configuration, click Edit in its dropdown menu.
- Create a Configuration Name.
Note: A configuration allows you to save these settings to use for future quick assigns.
- Select a Location, Shift, and Position.
- Select a From Time and To Time.
- Select a Start Date. Then select the date(s) to which you wish to quick assign volunteers from the Availability dropdown menu.
Note: If your desired availability dates do not appear, select a start date that is closer in proximity.
Note: If you wish to select additional dates, you may have to set up an additional configuration and complete this tutorial again.
- Select how you would like to proceed if the schedule you selected has already reached its full capacity of volunteers.
- Do not assign: Do not assign volunteer(s) to any dates
- Proceed anyway: Assign volunteer(s) to all dates, regardless of full capacity
- Add to available dates: Assign volunteer(s) to the dates that are still available
- When done, click Save and Next.
- If you wish to change the Configuration you are using, select it from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the No. Of Volunteer(s) that you wish to quick assign to the opportunity. Click anywhere on the screen to activate your selection.
- Under “Assign Volunteer,” an entry space will appear for each volunteer you wish to assign.
- The Location, Shift, Position, From Time, To Time, Start Date..., and Availability dates will default to the configuration’s settings for each volunteer . If you wish to change any of these settings for a volunteer, you may do so using the fields provided.
- In the “Choose Volunteer” field, type the name of the desired volunteer.
- If the volunteer exists in the system, their name will appear. Click on the volunteer’s name to assign them.
- If the volunteer does not exist in the system, press Enter on your keyboard. A window will open allowing you to enter the volunteer into our system. If you wish to create a user account for the volunteer, set the slider to Yes; the volunteer will receive an account set-up email. Enter the volunteer’s First and Last Names, Email, and Mobile Phone number. Then, click Save.
- Repeat steps 13-14 for each volunteer. When done, click Save.
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