Opportunities: Create Opportunity Part II: Requirements
- Under “Keywords,” enter keywords related to the opportunity to help potential volunteers locate it (e.g., animals, charity walk, environment). To enter a keyword, type the word or phrase, then press the “enter” key on your keyboard.
- Enter as many keywords as possible. Keywords help you initiate the vetting process by attracting volunteers that truly match the opportunity.
- Select the Cause(s), Skill(s), and Activity Type(s) associated with this opportunity.
- If you wish to allow volunteers to manage their own schedule, activate the Volunteer can schedule for this opportunity slider.
- If you wish to display this opportunity on your public calendar, activate the Display on Public Calendar slider.
- If you wish to allow volunteers to log their own hours, activate the Volunteer can log hours for this opportunity slider.
- Note: The opportunity owner or organization must still verify all hours logged by volunteers.
- To require that a volunteer’s application be reviewed before they are allowed to volunteer for an opportunity, activate the Approval required for volunteer application slider.
- Note: This option may not appear for opportunities created on behalf of another organization.
- If a slider for Background check required for Volunteer appears, keep it inactivated.
- Note: Background checks are an advanced feature not covered in this guide.
- If a volunteer must attend an orientation or training session before they can be considered a volunteer, activate the Orientation and/or training is required… slider and select the desired training(s).
- Note: These sessions must have been previously created to be selected here.
- Under “Who will be benefited by this opportunity,” select the Age Group(s), Population(s), and Gender(s) of those who will be assisted by the volunteers.
- Under “Appropriate for which type of volunteers,” select all age groups that are appropriate for this opportunity.
- If volunteers may apply as a Group or Team, activate the Groups/Teams are allowed to apply... To require information about each individual member of a group or team, active the Team Member(s)' information required... slider.
- To require that volunteers fill out an application form when they apply, you may add one under “Associate Application Form.” To add a previously created form, select it from the “Application Form” dropdown menu. To create a new form, click Add and follow steps 3-7 from the Create an Application Form tutorial.
- The “Auto Check Out” tool expedites the process of logging volunteers’ hours. Without this tool, organizations must manually enter the number of hours a volunteer has worked. With the tool, organizations can automatically log hours based on the length of a volunteer’s assigned shift or schedule. The condition that you select from the “Auto Check Out Type” dropdown menu will determine the number of hours that are logged when “checking out” a volunteer.
- Note: To check out volunteers, follow the Log Hours Using the Attendance Tool tutorial.
- Shift End: Log hours according to the scheduled end time for the opportunity
- Volunteer Schedule End Time: Log hours according to the end time that the volunteer has scheduled
- After a set amount of time: Log a specified number of hours for all volunteers who you check out for this opportunity
- If you wish to have a volunteer’s hours automatically logged after using the check out tool (i.e., attendance tool), keep the Auto Log Hours When Marked As Attended slider activated.
- When an opportunity involves a large volume of volunteers or shifts, it is recommended that organizations keep this slider activated and utilize the auto check out tool. This tool simplifies the logging of volunteers’ hours by eliminating the need to track or remember the schedule and hours of each individual volunteer.
- Next to Allow Volunteer(s) To Cancel Opportunity Before, you can restrict a volunteer’s ability to cancel their shift(s) for an opportunity by entering the number of hours of notice needed by the organization (i.e., entering “24” allows a volunteer to cancel their shift up to 24 hours before it starts). If left blank, volunteers can cancel a shift any time.
- Click Save & Next.
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