VolunteerEasy - NonProfitEasy Sync
The initial link between the two systems for every contact record starts with the contact / volunteer / business being entered into VolunteerEasy and then the system matching to a record in the NonProfitEasy (or creating a new record if it can't find a match).
- A contact is entered into VolunteerEasy
- VolunteerEasy uses the NonProfitEasy duplicate prevention settings to look for a match in the NonProfitEasy - if it finds an exact match using the duplicate prevention settings, then it syncs to the existing record. If it doesn't find an existing record, then it creates a new record.
- Once the records are synced, then information will pass back and forth between NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy - an update in one system will update the record in the other system.
- It will take 15-30 minutes for the sync to process records; it will take 15-30 minutes to see the initial volunteer record/contact type to show in NonProfitEasy. This is a two way sync process, so any updates made to a synced Volunteer/Contact record will be updated in both the system. Again, you’ll have to wait at least 15-30 minutes for the sync to complete/the changes to show in the other system.
- In addition, to basic contact information (name, mailing address, phone number, email address), basic volunteerism information (opportunity, start date, end date, and # of hours) will sync from VolunteerEasy to NonProfitEasy. Volunteerism data will show in NonProfitEasy on View Contact in the Volunteer Info module/widget (if you do not see this module/widget on View Contact, click on Layout Configuration button at the bottom of the View Contact, in the left hand list check the box next to Volunteer Info and then use the back button to return to View Contact. You will now see the Volunteer Info on the contact's record.
These can be configured in VolunteerEasy under General Settings.
- Sync Volunteers - Syncs only Volunteer Data to NonProfitEasy
- Sync Organizations - Syncs only Organization Data to NonProfitEasy (only available to VACs)
- Sync Businesses- Syncs only Business Data to the NonProfitEasy (sync as organizations in NonProfitEasy)
To turn on volunteer sync, login as the organization and go to General Settings, then activate the “Enable Volunteers Sync” slider. The sync is two-way.
Information that Syncs Between the Two Systems:
Personal Information
- First Name
- Last Name
- Birth Date
- Prefix
- Suffix
- For Prefix and Suffix, if VolunteerEasy has sent the data / if the VolunteerEasy record has a prefix / suffix, then the NonProfitEasy will update with the information from VolunteerEasy (if the record already exists), but if the value is not being sent from VolunteerEasy / if the VolunteerEasy record does not have a prefix / suffix, then NonProfitEasy will not remove Prefix and Suffix from the contact record (if it already exists in NonProfitEasy)
- Basically, this means that a blank prefix/suffix in VolunteerEasy will not overwrite a prefix/suffix in NonProfitEasy. This is to prevent an accidental update / erasure.
- If VolunteerEasy has sent the data / if the VolunteerEasy record has a prefix / suffix that is inactive in NonProfitEasy, the prefix / suffix in NonProfitEasy will be activated.
- Gender
- If the gender in VolunteerEasy is "Other", it will sync to NonProfitEasy as Other
- If the gender in NonProfitEasy is other than Male or Female, it will sync to VolunteerEasy as "Other"
- If the gender in VolunteerEasy is inactive in NonProfitEasy, it will activate the gender and sync to NonProfitEasy.
- Ethnicities
- If the ethnicity is not configured in the other system, it will automatically create the new ethnicity and assign it to the volunteer.
- Emails
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- First Email with Personal Email type
- First Email with Work Email type
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- Phones
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- First Phone with “Phone” Phone type
- First Phone with Cell Phone type
- First Phone with Fax Phone type
- First Phone with Home Phone type
- First Phone with Office Phone type
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- Addresses
- For details on the address sync, click here.
- Contact Type
- If the Volunteer is an Active volunteer in VolunteerEasy, then NonProfitEasy will assign/update the contact type to Volunteer
- If the Volunteer is an Inactive volunteer in VolunteerEasy, then NonProfitEasy will assign/update the contact type to Ex-Volunteer
To turn on organization/business sync, login to VolunteerEasy as the organization and go to General Settings, then activate the “Enable Organizations Sync” slider. The sync is two-way .
- Once sync is enabled, organizations already in the database will sync as well as the newly added ones using the same sync flow outlined above as for Volunteers (the process starts with adding a record to VolunteerEasy, etc.).
Information That Syncs Between the Two Systems:
Personal Information
- Organization Name
- Website
- Emails
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- First Email with Personal Email type
- First Email with Work Email type
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- Phones
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- First Phone with “Phone” Phone type
- First Phone with Cell Phone type
- First Phone with Fax Phone type
- First Phone with Home Phone type
- First Phone with Office Phone type
- NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will be able to Sync
- Addresses
- For details on the address sync, click here.
Contact Identification
- When the VolunteerEasy sends a contact record the first time:
- NonProfitEasy will try to find if such record already exists into NonProfitEasy using NonProfitEasy duplicate prevention settings.
- If so, the NonProfitEasy record will be updated with the VolunteerEasy data
- NonProfitEasy will pass to VolunteerEasy the NonProfitEasy Contact ID
- On subsequent syncs of the same record:
- VolunteerEasy will use the NonProfitEasy Contact ID to find the matching record
- NonProfitEasy will verify if the Contact ID is a valid one
- If NonProfitEasy does not find a contact with provided Contact ID then NonProfitEasy will check if the record is merged and deleted.
- If NonProfitEasy finds such that the ID matches a record that was merged into another record, then NonProfitEasy will use the Active/Remaining (merged) Contact Record as a match and will send VolunteerEasy the updated Contact ID.
- If NonProfitEasy does not find any matching record, then NonProfitEasy will tell VolunteerEasy the Contact ID provided is not a valid Contact ID.
- NonProfitEasy will try to find if such record already exists into NonProfitEasy using NonProfitEasy duplicate prevention settings.
Emails, Phones and Addresses updates
- On the initial sync from VolunteerEasy:
- VolunteerEasy will try to find matching data in NonProfitEasy
- If VolunteerEasy has sent the data / if the VolunteerEasy record has a email/phone/address, then NonProfitEasy will update with the information from VolunteerEasy (if the record already exists), but if the value is not being sent from VolunteerEasy / if the VolunteerEasy record does not have email/phone/address, then NonProfitEasy will not remove existing email/phone/address from the NonProfitEasy contact record (if it already exists in NonProfitEasy)
- Basically, this means that a blank email/phone/address in VolunteerEasy will not overwrite an email/phone/address in NonProfitEasy. This is to prevent an accidental update / erasure.
- e.g. if NonProfitEasy does not receive Personal Email from VolunteerEasy, but there is already a record in NonProfitEasy with similar information (identified as duplicate) then NonProfitEasy will not remove Personal Email information from the Contact, as NonProfitEasy is assuming that this is the first time and NonProfitEasy might have more information than VolunteerEasy has sent.
- For subsequent sync request
- This will be identified if NonProfitEasy has received a valid Contact ID from VolunteerEasy
- In this case, NonProfitEasy will perform full update operations
- That means, if NonProfitEasy contact has Personal Email and VolunteerEasy has not sent any Personal Email, then NonProfitEasy will remove the Personal Email information from the contact (the blank in VolunteerEasy will overwrite the value in NonProfitEasy). This will be true for all the syncable emails, phones and mailing address.
- This will be identified if NonProfitEasy has received a valid Contact ID from VolunteerEasy
- VolunteerEasy will try to find matching data in NonProfitEasy
Important points to remember:
- Merging records in the NonProfitEasy will put the NonProfitEasy-VolunteerEasy sync on hold until the merge is complete. As it can take 30 minutes per merge initiated to merge records, this means no updates between the NonProfitEasy and VolunteerEasy will occur during that time. So after merging records you may notice delays in updates, but the updating/sync should resume once the system has finished processing all merges.
- Records can only be merged in NonProfitEasy and NOT in VolunteerEasy. When 2 volunteer records are synced in NonProfitEasy, the 2 associated records in VolunteerEasy will not change and will be tied to a single NonProfitEasy record. This means you will have duplicate records in VolunteerEasy (since these 2 records sync to the same record) so one record in VolunteerEasy will have to be deleted manually.
- If two contacts are householded, and the primary contact's email is updated, it will update on the secondary contact's record and if the secondary contact is synced to VolunteerEasy, then it will update VolunteerEasy as well.
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