Events: Set Up Zoom Integration
- This tutorial covers how to set up the initial/one-time steps to link a Zoom account to our CRM/how to activate the Zoom-CRM integration.
- There are no additional fees from NPE for using this integration.
- You can unlink zoom by uninstalling the app at which point Zoom related data, such as Zoom User ID, authorized token, names, meeting history (IDs and registration) and any other Zoom data that belongs Zoom users will be removed within 10 days. You can then link to any other zoom account.
- To link CRM and Zoom, in one browser tab, sign into your Zoom account's ADMIN account/with the account admin credentials.
- Open CRM in a different browser tab.
- Create a new event or edit an existing event. Check the "this is a virtual event" checkbox on the Event Details tab. Complete the fields on the Schedule and Registration Types tabs (and Classrooms tab if you have Classrooms enabled).
- On the Settings tab, click the hyperlinked word "Click here" to link your Zoom account to NPE.
- Review the authorization required and click Authorize to complete the integration.
- The linkage should happen immediately, The screen will refresh and the Zoom meeting fields will now be visible.
- Going forward, for all future events configured inside CRM, the above steps will not be necessary. Instead, once CRM and Zoom are linked together, the user will simply need to check the Zoom meeting check box on the Settings tab to open up the Zoom meeting fields.
- If, at any time, you wish to de-link your Zoom and CRM accounts, simply uninstall CRM from your Zoom account. Login to your Zoom Account and under Solutions click "Zoom App Marketplace". Now Sign In on Zoom app marketplace with your Zoom credentials.
- Click Manage and then click Installed Apps.
- Search for NonProfitEasy and click Uninstall.
- "Uninstall app" pop up will appear. Select your uninstall reason. If you select "Others" for uninstall reason, type in the reason in the text box.
- If you wish to grant us the permission to keep your data within this 10 days, select the checkbox for Grant App developer consent to retain data.
- When done, click Uninstall.
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