FAQ: Zoom Event Integration Quick Start Guide
- Our integration with Zoom allows users to set up an event inside our CRM that will automatically schedule/create a new meeting inside of Zoom (or link to an existing Zoom meeting), automatically trigger Zoom registration confirmation emails with zoom credentials, and automatically take/mark attendance inside our CRM for attendees (that use the link sent to them by Zoom to access/attend the meeting).
- At this time, the Zoom-CRM integration only works for Zoom *MEETINGS.* The Zoom-CRM integration is not available for Zoom *WEBINARS.*
- The Zoom-CRM integration requires you to configure a registration form for your event and to collect attendee data (at the least name and email address). If you do not want to collect this information, you cannot use the Zoom integration. Instead, simply configure your event as normal within CRM, set up a separate event in Zoom, and use CRM's event registration confirmation and/or the event notification function(s) to send registrants the general Zoom "join meeting" link or use the event invite and/or e-blast function to send the zoom link to contacts (without having them pre-register at all).
- In order to utilize the Zoom-CRM integration, uses will need a Zoom account.
- Only ONE Zoom account can be connected to your CRM account.
- Once an event is connected to Zoom/a Zoom room, the Zoom account/room linked to the event cannot be disconnected or changed to a different account/user's room.
- If you have an account with multiple users, you MUST connect Zoom to our CRM using the ADMIN'S account/credentials for all user's rooms to be accessible within NPE. If you only connect one of the Zoom users/sub-accounts to NPE, then only that user's account/room will be available for linking to NPE events.
- Before you can link individual events inside CRM to Zoom, you must first complete the integration set-up. See this tutorial for how to link your CRM and Zoom accounts. This is a one-time set up step. After this step is completed, you will not need to complete it again.
- To link a CRM event to a Zoom room, from within CRM, create a new event or edit an existing event. Check the "this is a virtual event" checkbox on the Event Details tab. Complete the fields on the Schedule and Registration Types tabs (and Classrooms tab if you have Classrooms enabled).
- On the Settings tab, check the Setup Zoom Meeting box in the Zoom Integration area (if this is your first time linking Zoom and NPE, the check box won't be present and you will need to complete the set up steps outlined in the article linked in step #5 above).
Please Note: this checkbox won't be available if you did not check the "Virtual Event" checkbox on the Event Details tab or if you did click the "Event Ticketing/Registration will be done at Host's website" checkbox on the Event Details tab. - The Zoom meeting fields will then appear.
- To link the CRM event to Zoom, start by selecting if you wish to link to a New Zoom Meeting (one will automatically be created inside of the selected Zoom account) or an Existing Zoom Meeting.
- If this is a new meeting:
- If your Zoom account has multiple users, select the user in whose Zoom account the new meeting should be created/where the existing meeting is scheduled.
- The duration field will pre-fill based on the CRM event start and end time (for repeating events or single events with multiple sessions, the CRM start and end DATE should be the SAME DATE. Additional meeting dates are indicated in the repeating events schedule section of the CRM event schedule. Please see our tutorial on configuring the CRM event schedule for more information. For repeating events and single events with multiple sessions, a separate Zoom meeting will be created inside Zoom for each scheduled date of the event).
- Check the boxes next to the settings you wish for your Zoom meeting
- If your Zoom account has multiple users, select the user in whose Zoom account the new meeting should be created/where the existing meeting is scheduled.
- If the CRM event will be linked to an existing/already created Zoom meeting:
- If your Zoom account has more than one user, select the user whose Zoom account has the existing meeting scheduled and then select the meeting from the drop down list of existing meetings within that Zoom user's account.
- Then, select whether to use the CRM meeting schedule or the Zoom meeting schedule in cases where there is a discrepancy between the NPE event date, start time, and/or end time and the Zoom event date, start time, and/or end time. If you choose to use the CRM schedule and there is a discrepancy between the event details in the two systems, the Zoom meeting's date/time will be changed/updated to be the same as the CRM event's date/time. If you choose to use the Zoom schedule and there is a discrepancy between the event details in the two systems, the CRM event's date/time will be changed/updated to be the same as the Zoom event's date/time.
- If your Zoom account has more than one user, select the user whose Zoom account has the existing meeting scheduled and then select the meeting from the drop down list of existing meetings within that Zoom user's account.
- If this is a new meeting:
- Next, in cases where there is a difference between the date and/or time of the event configured in CRM and configured in Zoom, which schedule should be used (the event in both CRM and Zoom will be updated to match the option selected here. For example, if the event is scheduled in CRM for May 3rd at 4:00pm and in Zoom for May 5th at 4:00pm, if user selects to use the CRM schedule, the date of the event in Zoom will be changed to May 3rd. If the Zoom schedule is selected, the date of the event in CRM will be updated to May 5th. Schedule discrepancies include date, start time, AND end time).
- Finish setting the configurations on the Settings tab and click Save and Next (or Save to exit and finish configuring the event later).
- A new tab, Configure Registration Form, will appear. This tab/configuring the registration form is REQUIRED for Zoom integrated events.
- The Name and and Email Address blocks are REQUIRED and cannot be removed from the form. However, you can change the field names, add a description/instructions to the user, etc. by editing the blocks. You can add other fields and questions to the form as well. See this tutorial for more assistance with configuring event registration forms.
- Click Save and Proceed to publish/make the event active. At this point, the system will work to create a new Zoom event/link to the selected existing event Zoom event. It will take 5-20 minutes for the sync to be completed (when creating a new Zoom meeting, the user whose Zoom room is used for the event will receive an email confirmation from Zoom that the meeting is set up). You can see that the sync is completed by checking the event log. From the Events Index Page, click the drop down to the right of the Event Name and select "View Zoom Meeting(s)".
- A pop up window will open, with two tabs. On the Zoom Meeting(s) tab, the Zoom "join meeting" URL will be populated once the meeting has synced to Zoom. On the Logs tab, you can see the status of syncing any changes made to an NPE event to Zoom (including creating a new meeting in Zoom).
- After the sync is complete, when an attendee registers for the event (either via direct entry by staff into CRM or by registering online via your website utilizing our Pages or WordPress Plug-In integration), the user will automatically be sent a registration confirmation email containing a custom/user-specific Zoom meeting URL (this email is sent from Zoom and can be configured/customized inside your Zoom account). Please Note: you cannot register people for a Zoom integrated meeting using Quick Ticketing, as Quick Ticketing bypasses the event registration form and completing the registration form is necessary for the Zoom sync. Please Also Note: that the admin for the zoom room linked to the event also cannot be registered for the event. You can register them inside NPE for the event, but Zoom will not send them the meeting credentials (based on if the email address match the Zoom account's user's email address). If you want to sign yourself up to test the zoom credentials are sending, you will need to register yourself for the event with a different email address than the one tied to your Zoom account).
- That link is customized to each attendee to contain a tracking cookie that is used to identify attendees when they attend/to take attendance. You will be able to confirm if the Zoom registration confirmation has been successfully delivered to each attendee on the Manage Registrants tab of manage event inside NPE. If the email was delivered successfully, the Zoom Meeting ID field will be filled in. If the email was not delivered successfully you will see a status: Failed message with the reason the message failed.
- You can manually resend Zoom meeting credentials to your attendees from INSIDE ZOOM. This cannot be done from CRM. See Zoom support documents for how to resent event credentials to registrants.
- It is preferable that you do NOT share the general Zoom meeting URL (the one that shows in the Zoom sync log and the one that you can "copy invite" from inside Zoom for) with potential attendees as those who attend using that link will NOT have their attendance automatically marked; instead, you will have to manually mark attendance. But if you are okay doing this, then you can widely share/publicize the general Zoom meeting URL (Zoom will require users who are not pre-registered/not using the custom/tokenized link to enter their first name, last name, and email address upon attempting to join the meeting).
- When users join your meeting using their tokenized/personalized URL/link, attendance will be marked automatically inside CRM on the attendance tab. The user does have to fully come into the meeting (being in the waiting room does not count) and stay long enough for Zoom to register the person has joined the meeting (a few seconds).
- If you cancel or delete any event registration/attendee inside NPE, their registration will also be deleted from Zoom. If the person attempts to join your meeting using the tokenized Zoom link associated to a deleted registration, Zoom will not let them in/they will not be able to join. If the individual has registered twice by accident, for instance, they will get two separate zoom links. If you delete or cancel one of the registrations inside NPE to remove the duplicate, then one zoom registration is also removed/deleted. If the person tries to join using the link associated to the deleted registration, they won't be able to. Therefore, to avoid user confusion, it is better to clean up duplicate registrations AFTER the event is over and that way if anyone has been sent multiple links, no matter which one they use, they will be able to join/all their links will be valid (until after the meeting when you delete/void/cancel one of the registrations).
- If, at any time, you wish to de-link your Zoom and CRM accounts, simply uninstall CRM from your Zoom account. Login to your Zoom Account and under Solutions click "Zoom App Marketplace". Now Sign In on Zoom app marketplace with your Zoom credentials.
- Click Manage and then click Installed Apps.
- Search for NonProfitEasy and click Uninstall.
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