Manage Event Part VI: Manage Waitlist
- If you have set an event or ticket capacity and enabled the waitlist (see our tutorial on configuring the waitlist), then once your event sells out, registrants will be added to the waitlist (regardless if they are added from the back-end/by staff directly into CRM or via online registration).
- The list of names that have been waitlisted is accessed by viewing the event, selecting Manage Attendees, and then clicking on the Waitlist tab.
- You can filter/search the list of waitlisted attendees by clicking the blue Filter button in the upper right hand corner. Fill out the fields you want to filter by and click the blue Search button. Click the Reset button to clear filter results. Click the red Cancel button in the upper right to close the filter window.
- On the waitlist index page, you can see which contact have been sent the "you are off the waitlist" message/been sent the link to buy tickets. You can also see if the time allotted (in your waitlist settings) for them to purchase tickets once sent the message has passed ("token expired"=Yes means the deadline given to them HAS passed).
- You can see the phone number and email address (if phone/email have been added to the contact's record) of any waitlisted contact by hovering over the phone/email icon. For email address, you can click on the email address to bring up the Send Email pop up box.
- Once the waitlist is triggered (the event sells out), ALL registrants from that point forward will be added to the waitlist, EVEN IF TICKETS BECOME AVAILABLE (when doing direct entry, you will be able to bypass the waitlist if desired. See below). For example, if your event sells out and the waitlist is activated and then a registrant cancels, making two tickets available, anyone registering for the event at that point would still be waitlisted because the system doesn't know if you want to allow people to jump over the line and get tickets or if the available tickets should go to the people on the waitlist.
- If the waitlist is triggered but NO ONE is waitlisted yet and you increase the ticket type capacity (to accommodate more registrants), the registration will open again for that ticket type (users will be able to select quantity). This is the only time adding ticket capacity will re-open direct registration once the waitlist is triggered/tickets well out. Otherwise, as soon as registrants are added to the waitlist/the waitlist becomes active, adding ticket capacity/making more tickets available will not change the fact that all online registrants will still be directed to the waitlist.
- Managing the waitlist is a MANUAL process. When tickets become available, you will need to manually select who should be notified that tickets are available. The system will not automatically email waitlisted contacts (the system has no way of knowing who it should release - do you want based on "first come-first served"? By importance (skip next person in line to allow a VIP contact to register? What happens if one ticket becomes available and the next person on the list wants 2 tickets? Should the system wait until a second ticket becomes available or should it skip the person and go to the next person o the list who only wants one ticket? There are many variables when deciding who should be offered available tickets and the system cannot make these decisions. Therefore, a staff person must decide who to offer the tickets to).
- When registering attendees from the back end/directly into CRM, if the waitlist is triggered, a pop up notice notifying you of this fact will appear when you add a new registration (on your website, the event will show as sold out and there will be a button/option to add to waitlist).
FROM THE WEBSITE (no option to over-ride waitlist)
- When directly registering the person inside of CRM, you can either add the person to the waitlist or click Proceed to Register to bypass the waitlist and register the person for the event IF THERE ARE TICKETS AVAILABLE (see #10 below). If you proceed to register and no tickets are available, you cannot oversell the event. A red validation message will pop up, notifying you there are no tickets available.
- To add the contact to the waitlist, complete the contact name field (either select a name already in your database or type the name and hit enter to Quick Add the contact to your system), the date they are being added to the waitlist, their desired ticket type, and quantity, then click Save.
- A green validation message will alert you that the person has been added to the waitlist.
- To release contacts from the waitlist, tickets must become available either because someone who was already registered cancelled or because you increased the # of tickets available (increased the event capacity or ticket capacity).
- View the waitlist and check the white box to the left of the name of the contact's you wish to allow to register for the event, then click the blue Send Registration Request box in the upper right. Please Note: you CAN send more than one registration request email to a contact. For example, if the contact's link to register has expired and you want to give them another opportunity to register, you can resend the waitlist release message again following the steps above.
- The contact will receive an email with a link to register for the event.
- Once the waitlisted person registers (using the link in the waitlist release email that you sent), they will automatically be removed from the waitlist.
- You can manually remove people from the waitlist (those who have indicated they are no longer interested or who miss the deadline to register) by viewing the waitlist and selecting Delete to the right of the name.
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