Manage Memberships Part VI: Cancelling/Voiding/Erasing a Membership
- Do NOT use the Void function to cancel a real/legitimate membership; voiding is used to indicate a transaction that has been voided/cancelled out - that is, a transaction that was entered erroneously (voiding is a way of cancelling an erroneous transaction while preserving the paper trail, versus simply deleting the erroneous entry).
- Do NOT delete the invoice as a means of voiding/cancelling a membership; this will erase the history of the transaction and you will lose the paper trail. Instead, to erase an erroneous entry and keep the paper trail, use the void function. Delete the invoice only when you want to completely erase the transaction (such as the case of an erroneous entry).
- To cancel or void a membership, from either the Manage Membership screen OR View Contact: Memberships, click All select Edit from the drop down to the right of the membership and select Cancel/Void Transaction. This will provide an option to cancel the membership with a full or partial refund or credit or to void the transaction altogether. If you wish to cancel the membership with no refund/credit, then select the Cancel Without Refund option from the drop down. This option will only be available if the membership has a cost (isn't free) and partial or full payment has been received.
Or - Please note: when cancelling a membership paid via credit card, the $1 per paid membership charged by Fundly will not be refunded nor will the credit card fees charged to you by Stripe.
- If cancelling without a refund, after selecting Cancel Without Refund on the drop down, the cancel without refund pop up window opens. Enter the Cancellation Date, Reason (note), and click Cancel.
- If cancelling with a refund/credit or or voiding the membership, on the Cancel Membership screen, choose whether to Refund, Void, or Credit. Void allows you to zero out the transaction/erase an erroneous transaction. Credit allows you to cancel the membership and issue a full or partial credit for the amount paid (you will then be apply the credit/payment to a new/different transaction). Refund allows you to issue a full or partial refund (send the payment back to the member).
- If you choose to Refund or Credit the transaction, enter the cancellation date (last day of membership).
- Choose whether to issue a full (100%) refund/credit or a pro-rated (partial) refund/credit. If you select pro-rated, the system will automatically calculate the amount to be refunded/credited based on the number of days used/remaining.
- Enter any Notes about the cancellation (such as the reason the member is cancelling). These notes will pop up when you hover over the cancellation status on the cancelled tab of Manage Members.
- The payment information for the original transaction will automatically displayed in the lower half of the refund/credit screen.
- For Refunds: if the original transaction was paid via credit card, then the refund will be issued via credit card (and you will not have the option to issue the refund any other way) [note: selecting refund for a credit card transaction will automatically initiate a refund in Stripe; there is no need to manually refund the money in Stripe as well). For all other payment methods, you will have the option to indicate how the money will be refunded to the contact. Complete the Mode of Refund and Refund Reference No. fields.
- For Refunds, if the original payment was made via multiple modes (for example, 50% paid via credit card and 50% via check), the credit card transaction is refunded first/the amount to be refunded is done via credit card first. If there is any remainder, then you will have the option to select the method for the remainder).
- If you choose to Void the transaction, simply select Void and then click the Void button at the bottom of the screen. The transaction paper trail will remain, but the payment information will be erased/zeroed out.
- Click the button in the lower right to save the transaction (button text will say Issue Refund if refunding, Void if voiding, and Issue Credit if crediting the transaction).
- Once you save the cancellation (with or without refund or credit) or void, the contact will be changed to Ex-Member.
- You will be able to see that the membership was cancelled when viewing the contact record in the Membership Module, click All click Cancelled, select View History of a membership, and when viewing the Cancelled tab of Manage Memberships. Refunded transactions will show on the contact's Financial Details; credited and voided memberships will NOT show on the contact's Financial Details.
- If the cancellation date entered is in the future (e.g. a member calls in the middle of the month and wants to cancel as of the end of the month), once you save the cancellation information, the membership will remain on the active tab and will show as "Scheduled for Cancellation."
- Hovering over the Scheduled for Cancellation will bring up a pop up box with details of the cancellation date.
- While the cancellation is still scheduled/in the future, you can cancel the cancellation by clicking the blue Undo button. If you click the Undo button, a pop up will appear, asking you to confirm. Once you click Okay, the membership cancellation will be cancelled/the membership will be as it was before you saved the cancellation.
- Once the cancellation date arrives, the system will automatically process the cancellation date. The membership will be cancelled and moved to the cancelled tab of the Membership Index page, the contact will become an ex-member, and any refunds/credits owed will be issued. In addition, your system admin and the staff member who entered the (future) cancellation will receive a confirmation email that the cancellation has been processed (this email is not configurable).
- Once a membership is cancelled, it cannot be undone. You would need to delete the invoice (and any associated credits from the contact's ledger) and re-enter the membership in order to undo a cancellation.
- In the contact profile, the timeline displays a record of all engagement with the contact: event registrations, memberships, donations, tasks and interactions, and communications sent to the contact. You can click on the timeline entry to view the entry details.
Note: System does not delete the timeline entry in real-time, as deleting is resource consuming process. We have weekly scheduler, which runs during the weekend to clean up such entries. So entries will be deleted from timeline over weekends.
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