Manage Event Part III: Add Event Registrations
- This tutorial will cover how to add or edit an event registration using Manage Attendees. Event registrations can also be added via Quick Ticketing (see our tutorial on using quick ticketing at Manage Event Part IIIb: Add Event Registration via Quick Ticketing).
- To register contacts for an event, start by navigating to the event list by clicking on Events on the Main Menu to open the events sub-menu and then click on Events under the events heading.
- This will show you a list of all currently active events.
- For the event that you wish to add a registration to, click on the drop-down to the right of its entry and select New Registration OR click on the event name to view the event and then click Manage Attendees and, on the registrations tab, click the blue New Registration button in the upper right hand corner.
- This will create a new invoice, started on the Event tab (You could also create an event registration by selecting create Invoice from the Quick Add menu and then click on the event tab; however, keep in mind that the Add Invoice method will only allow you to register attendees for UPCOMING events. You cannot use the Add Invoice method to register contacts for past events. That can only be done from the event index screen or from Manage Attendees inside the event).
- Use the Choose Contact field to select the contact that shall be considered the event registrant. The event registrant will be the contact who reached out to your organization in order to procure tickets for the event, and, for paid registration, will be the contact responsible for paying. This may or may not be the person attending the event. You can select an existing contact from your database by typing the name and selecting from the list of matching names OR create a contact "on the fly" by typing a name and hitting enter. This will bring up the quick add contact dialog box. Add the contact details and click save. You will then be returned to your in progress Invoice/event registration and can continue adding the registration.
- After selecting the event registrant, change the invoice date if necessary and click the Create button to finish creating the invoice.
- Next, you will be taken to the registration screen for the event selected.
- Start by indicating the date that the contact asked to be registered for the event in the Registration Date field. THIS DATE MUST BE BETWEEN THE TICKET TYPE ON SALE START AND END DATES.
- If this is a repeating event, select the date attending from the drop down list.
- If this is a single event with multiple dates types repeating event, you will have the option to select the Start Date of Attending (instead of Date Attending)
- you wish to record any notes for this registration, you may do so in the Notes field.
- You can safely ignore the Apply online processing fees check box - this box no longer does anything and will be removed from the user interface in a future release.
- Under the Registration Type section indicate the Quantity of each registration/ticket type the contact has requested by using the up and down arrows in the quantity field.
- If you wish to change the price of a registration type (price over-ride), you may do so in the Price field for each registration type by typing a new price. Keep in mind, changing the price in this way will not provide you with any information on WHY the price was changed (you may wish to add a Note to the notes field or use a discount/coupon code instead).
- If the contact is an active member and you have configured your event to have a special member price, the member price will automatically display/will replace the regular price.
- If your contact is entitled to free tickets to this event as a membership benefit or donor premium, a banner will display indicating that and an additional column will be available to indicate the number of free tickets the registrant wishes to claim.
- Under the Other Items section indicate the type and quantity of any Other Items you have configured to sell during this event that the contact has requested.
- When you have finished selecting the type and quantity of the Registrations and Other Items, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
- If you need to edit the invoice/add more tickets to the purchase, click the item name in the upper right hand corner. You cannot remove/reduce the number of tickets being purchased after you've added the tickets to the invoice. You would have to delete the tickets and re-add them (see next step). In addition, you cannot add Other Items to the transaction after you click save in the previous step. You would need to create a new invoice.
- If you need to remove an item from the invoice, click the trash can next to the item name in the right hand corner.
- If a registration form has been created for the event, you will be asked to fill out the Registration Form for each attendee that will be going to the event (if no registration form is configured, proceed to Step #25 below).
- If your registrant has bought more than one ticket type (for instance 2 General Admission tickets and 2 Child tickets), the ticket type will display above each registration form, so that you can match the attendee data to the correct ticket.
- A few notes on the registration form:
- To add an attendee, start by typing the name in the Contact Name field. A list of matching names in your database will appear and you can select off the list.
- If the contact is not already in your database type the First Name and Last Name fields (for individuals) or Organization Name field (for organizations) to create a new contact.
- Please Note: any changes made to any of the data on the registration form will also update (permanently change, in real time) the contact's record, NOT JUST THE REGISTRATION FORM.
- Once you populate the registration form with a contact name, if you want to change the attendee (enter a different name) click the blue Change button. Do NOT just make edits to the contact's name. Doing so will update/change the name on the existing contact's record. For example, if the registration form is populated with James Smith and we want to select James Alden instead, if we simply type James Alden into the first and last name fields, we will actually changes the name on James Smith's contact record to James Alden. Instead, click the blue Change button FIRST, which will clear the form, and then select the name you want (or type the name if adding a new contact).
- If the selected contact has work information on their record, it will populate into the Organization Information widget/fields (if on your registration form). If the contact has more than one employer, only the first employer (first created date) will populate. This is a current limitation of the registration form; there is no ability to select which employer of the multiple current employers to populate to the registration form.
- Any changes to the Organization Name field in the Organization Information widget will create a NEW organization (rather than edit the existing organization's record). To edit the organization's name, edit the organization's record rather than trying to edit from the registration form.
- Any changes to the Organization Address in the Organization Information widget will create a NEW address for the organization (rather than edit/update the existing address). To edit the organization's address, edit the organization's record rather than trying to edit from the registration form.
- If the organization has multiple addresses on file, you can select from them by clicking the Change button to the right of the Organization Name field. This will bring up a pop up window that will allow you to select from all addresses on file for the organization.
- To add an attendee, start by typing the name in the Contact Name field. A list of matching names in your database will appear and you can select off the list.
- When you have fished recording the details for an attendee click on Save if you only have one registration form or have reached the last registration form or Save & Next to move to the next registration form if you have more than one registration form.
- When all attendee information has been saved you will be returned to the Invoice containing the event registration.
- If you have a discount/coupon code to apply to the transaction total, enter it in the Coupon Code box in the upper right and click the Apply Coupon button. The grand total of the transaction amount will change. Please Note: discount codes are applied to the cart/invoice TOTAL and not per line item. If you have set a per person limit on the coupon/discount usage, one transaction with multiple tickets will still count as ONE usage. In addition, coupon codes are only applied to the ticket portion of the total and not applied to the cost of Other Items.
- You can remove a coupon code after you've applied it by clicking the Remove Coupon button.
- When you have finished recording the attendees for this event registration click on Receive Payment in the lower right to record payment information.
- If contact has a credit on their record, you can select to use this credit by toggling the slider in the upper left. If using a credit do NOT type an amount in the field (this will add an ADDITIONAL amount that the contact is paying).
- Otherwise, if not using a credit, fill out the mode of payment, date of payment, reference number (optional), and Amount fields.
- Make sure the correct charge/transaction is checked on the right hand side to apply the payment to a transaction/charge and the amount allocated field is filled in (the Amount Allocated field means "of the total amount being received in this payment, how much should be applied to this transaction).
- Click Receive Payment to save and close. Click Receive Payment and Send Receipt to send the registrant a payment receipt (the payment receipt uses the Main Menu: Configurations: Email Notifications: Financial: Financial Payment Receipt template).
- If you entered mode of payment as Credit Card and the card issuer requires "Strong Customer Authentication" (referred to as SCA or PSD2 authentication), a box will pop up asking you to initiate the authentication process. SCA is a new requirement for credit cards issued by European banks or for credit card transactions taking place on European websites for the card holder to authenticate an online purchase by indicating they are the ones who has initiated/authorized the transaction (see this explanation of SCA from Stripe for more information).
- Click the authenticate button and then you will have to wait until the card holder completes the validation process on their end. Once they do (and authentication is completed successfully), the transaction will finish saving automatically.
- If the card holder fails to authenticate the transaction within the specified time frame or denies the transaction, a authentication failed message will appear on the screen.
- If you entered mode of payment as Credit Card and the card issuer requires "Strong Customer Authentication" (referred to as SCA or PSD2 authentication), a box will pop up asking you to initiate the authentication process. SCA is a new requirement for credit cards issued by European banks or for credit card transactions taking place on European websites for the card holder to authenticate an online purchase by indicating they are the ones who has initiated/authorized the transaction (see this explanation of SCA from Stripe for more information).
- To print or email a ticket to the attendees, select the desired method from the Print Ticket drop-down in the bottom right corner of the screen (this can be done before or after receiving payment). If you email the tickets, the contact needs to have an email address on file, the email must be set as the primary email address, and the contact's communication preference for email must be set to yes. If these conditions are met, the tickets will automatically be sent to the contact's primary email. Otherwise, a box will pop up asking you to enter an email address.
- Please Note: when viewing a contact record, the event registrant will have an entry in their Engagement History for their registration; the event attendee will have an entry in the Event History widget for their registration.
- To add more registrations to your event, you can either choose Create Invoice from the left hand menu and repeat the above steps OR you can use the recent visits option on the Quick Start Menu to return to the event index screen or to the Manage Attendees screen of your event and then proceed to add new registration from there. Please Note: You cannot use "Create Invoice" for events that have ended (that is, to back enter data). Create Invoice will only give you the option to add registrants & attendees for upcoming/future events.
- If this event is synced to Zoom, then the ATTENDEE will be sent an email from Zoom with their tokenized/personalized "join meeting" link within 5-20 minutes. When the credentials are sent, the Zoom Registration ID field will be populated. If the credentials could not be sent to the recipient, and error message will show instead.
- You can filter/search the registrant list by clicking on the blue Filter box in the upper right hand corner. This will open the filter area where you can search by Booking By (Registrant Name field), payment status (Payment Received field), or data attending (for repeating events).
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