Events: Create Event Part IV: Settings
- This tutorial continues the process of creating an event and covers the configuration of the Settings tab of create/edit event. For instructions on configuring the previous tabs in event set-up, see the Create Event Part I, Part II, and Part III tutorials.
- On the Privacy Settings, you can choose whether or not an event will be displayed online or not.
- To make an event public/to publish an event to your online Pages or WordPress Plug-In calendar indicate this with the “Make this event available for registration through the public site” radio button option.
- You will then get to specify when the event is to be published by selecting either Publish Now (event will immediately be pushed to your website) or Publish On (to specify a date when the event will appear on your website) or "Time before event start" to set a date/time relative to the event start date (# of hours, days, and minutes before event start).
- You will then get to specify when the event is to be published by selecting either Publish Now (event will immediately be pushed to your website) or Publish On (to specify a date when the event will appear on your website) or "Time before event start" to set a date/time relative to the event start date (# of hours, days, and minutes before event start).
- If you do not wish the event to show on your site, but to only be available for offline and invite only registration, indicate that the event is to be Private. Contacts will still be able to register online if they have the direct URL of the event (you can use the Event Invite function to send a link for online registration for private/offline events. See the Event Invite tutorial for more information).
- To make an event public/to publish an event to your online Pages or WordPress Plug-In calendar indicate this with the “Make this event available for registration through the public site” radio button option.
- If you would like to sent their event ticket(s) to the registrant along with automatic payment confirmation, check the Send Ticket with Invoice/Receipt Confirmation box. Please Note: checking this box will only trigger tickets to be sent if a) you have configured event tickets and b) you have turned on automatic invoices for all online transactions (Main Menu: Website Integrations: Configurations: Other: Manage Invoice Send Settings for Online Transactions). If you have not turned on automatic invoices/payment receipts, no tickets will be sent even if you check the Send Ticket box. However, there is also an option to configure the option to send tickets with the Event Registration Confirmations. That is, there are TWO places/ways you can set the system to automatically send tickets to registrants: by checking the Send Ticket box on the Settings tab of event creation and also turn on automatic invoices OR by turning on/enabling Event Registration Confirmations and checking the "send ticket" box there. You can also opt to send tickets manually from inside the event registration screen and also as attached to an event notification. For more information see our tutorial on configuring event tickets, our tutorial on sending event notifications, and our tutorial on managing/adding event registrations.
- If you checked the "Virtual Event" box on the Settings tab of create/edit event, then the Zoom Integration field will be available. If you wish to link this event to a zoom meeting (you can have NPE create a new meeting inside your Zoom account or link to an existing Zoom meeting), check the Set Up Zoom Meeting checkbox and then complete the rest of the Zoom configurations. Please see this tutorial on how to use the Zoom integrations.
- If you would like the event to automatically be removed from your public site upon completion, click the “Automatically unpublish the event upon completion” slider in the top right in the Field Properties area.
- Next, if you wish this event to be linked to a specific program, select the appropriate option from the Program drop down (Please Note: programs and campaigns need to be configured ahead of time. This is done on Configurations: Fundraising: Programs / Configurations: Fundraising: Campaigns). This field is OPTIONAL.
- If funds brought in from registrations are to be linked to a specific Chart of Account (general ledger code) or Account Class, indicate these with the Chart of Accounts name and Account Class name fields respectively (also must be configured ahead of time, which can be done on Configurations: Financial). These fields are OPTIONAL.
- Lastly, if you wish to allow online users to search for this event by keywords, select from the list of available Tags. These tags must be previously configured (you cannot add tags "on the fly" here); configuration of event search tags is done on Main Menu: Events: Configurations: Search Categories. Tags are only related to online events/ability to search your event calendar for events by keyword/tag. If this is an offline/private event, there is no need to add tags. Click in the field to bring up the list of configured tags; start typing to narrow the list and then select from the list to add tags to the event. You can add multiple search tags. This field is OPTIONAL.
- When you have finished configuring all settings for the event, click the Save button in the lower right to save the event and finish configuring later or Save and Proceed to publish the event/make the event active.
- After completing the basic event set up, there are some additional items you may wish to configure: a registration form (if you wish to collect data on attendees), the event waitlist (if you have set an event capacity and wish to utilize the waitlist function once your event is sold out), automatic registration confirmation (if you wish registrants or attendees to receive an automatic registration confirmation email), event tickets (if you will be utilizing the event ticket function), and the track expenses tab (if you wish to track expenses related to the event/populate the expenses line of the Event Dashboard P&L statement). See tutorials for Create Event Parts 5-8 for details on how to configure these additional optional items. Please Note: If you have checked the Zoom Integration checkbox, then an additional REQUIRED tab will appear, "Configure Registration Form" and you will need to complete set up of the registration form. See our tutorial on configuring registration forms for more information.
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