Clients: Close Client File/End Delivery Service
- When a meal delivery client has completed services, their client record should be closed. They will no longer be available in the Delivery Planner for scheduling and their contact type will change to Ex-Client.
- To begin, edit the contact record and click on the Client
- Fill in the Meal End Date and select a Reason for Completion from the dropdown list (see this tutorial on configuring Reason for Completion drop down list). The Duration field will auto-calculate based on the start and end dates of service. Then click Save in the lower right hand corner.
- The Client Contact Type will to Ex-Client. Client can be re-started for services if they resume services by clicking the Restart button on the Ex-Client tab.
- If you need to edit any of the client’s meal service dates (Meal Begin Date, Check In Date, or Meal End Date), click the Edit button in the red notice area on the Ex-Client tab.
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