e-Store Manage Orders Part II: Manage/Edit/Cancel Pending Orders
- This tutorial will cover how to manage pending e-Store orders including editing pending orders, cancelling pending orders, deleting pending orders, and fulfilling pending orders.
- To get started, on the Main Menu select e-Store and then click Pending on the sub-menu.
- This will take you to the Pending Orders index page. Here you will see a list of all pending orders (any orders with status other than undelivered or cancelled).
- Orders are sorted by order number (smallest to greatest; as such the oldest orders are at the top of the list).
- Every item ordered, even when ordered together in one transaction, is listed as a separate order with a separate order number. For example, if John Doe orders 2 Kayaks and a 30-count package of Ginger Tea together on one invoice, those items will show as two orders - one for the kayaks and a different order for the package of tea. The reason for this is to simplify fulfillment and cancellations. If the Kayaks are out of stock but the Ginger Tea is in stock, if they were listed together as the same order it would be difficult to mark that the Ginger Tea has been sent but the kayaks have not/that the order is still open.
- You can search pending orders using the filters at the top of the screen. If you wish to see everything a contact ordered (so you can box the items together), search by contact name.
- You can export the list of pending orders to CSV/Excel by clicking the Export button in the upper right.
- For each order, on the left side of the order's listing, you will see the item, order number, order date, purchaser name, shipping address (if applicable), notes (if any), payment date. If the order's status is shipped, you will also see the shipped date. Hovering over Payment Details will bring up the payment details.
- On the right side of the order's listing, you will see the unit price, quantity ordered, sales tax charged, shipping costs charged, and whether or not payment has been received.
- Also to the right of the order, you will also see two drop down menus. If the purchaser has requested to cancel the order from online/their public profile, there will only be one button to the right: "Cancel Order." Please Note: there is no ability to cancel a cancellation request and/or to process an order that has had cancellation requested.
- To edit an order:
- If you need to update the shipping address for any order and/or change the custom field entries (color, size, etc.), click the bottom drop down ("Cancel"/"Update") menu to the right of the order and select Update Order. On the resulting pop up, update the shipping address and/or custom field entries and save.
- (You can also edit the shipping address and custom fields by going to Main Menu: Financials: Invoices, finding the invoice, editing the invoice, clicking on the item in the right hand panel of the invoice, and updating shipping address and/or custom fields in the resulting pop up).
- If you need to increase the quantity ordered for any order, there is no way to increase the quantity of an item on an order. Instead, add a new order for additional of the item.
- If you need to decrease the quantity ordered: there is no way to decrease the quantity of an item on an order. Instead, you will need to delete or cancel the order and add a new order with the correct quantity. See below for how to delete and/or cancel an order.
- If you need to apply a discount code: go to Main Menu: Financials: Invoices, find the invoice, edit it, and apply the discount code in the box in the right hand panel.
- If you need to update the shipping address for any order and/or change the custom field entries (color, size, etc.), click the bottom drop down ("Cancel"/"Update") menu to the right of the order and select Update Order. On the resulting pop up, update the shipping address and/or custom field entries and save.
- To cancel an order, click the bottom drown down to the right of the order ("Cancel"/"Update") and click Cancel Order.
- If the order has been paid, you will have the option to issue a Refund or a Credit for the amount paid. If the order is not yet paid, you will only have the option to Cancel (Void) the transaction (2nd screen shot below).
Cancelling Paid Order
Cancelling Order That Has Not Yet Been Paid
- Enter the cancellation date and any notes and then click Issue Refund/Credit (if paid transaction) / Save (if unpaid transaction) button in the lower right.
- If the order has been paid, you will have the option to issue a Refund or a Credit for the amount paid. If the order is not yet paid, you will only have the option to Cancel (Void) the transaction (2nd screen shot below).
- If you want to delete an order, go to Main Menu: Financials: Invoices, find the invoice and either delete the entire invoice or, if you just want to remove one item, edit the invoice and click the trashcan next to the item in the right hand panel.
- If you want to record payment for an unpaid transaction, click the lower drop down to the right of the order (Cancel Order/Update) and select Receive Payment. Please Note: you can also record payment by going to Main Menu: Financials: Invoices and finding the invoice or by going to View Contact, click on Quick Action tab, and click Receive Payment under Financials.
- To change the status of any order, click the top drop down to the right of the order and select the desired status. The various statuses can be defined however your organization wishes to define them (just be consistent in your usage), but in general the various status meanings are defined below.
- Pending means the order is waiting to be processed. When you change an order (back) to this status, you will be asked to indicate the status change date.
- In-Process means that someone is actively working on fulfilling the process or it is partially processed. When you choose this status you will be asked to indicate the status change date.
- Shipped means that the order is in transit/is on its way to the purchaser. When you choose this status you will be asked to indicate the shipping date and tracking number.
- Fulfilled means the order is completed - it has been shipped AND received. When you choose this status you will be asked to indicate the status change date and any notes. Fulfilled orders will be moved from the Pending Orders tab to the Order History tab and closed. You will not be able to change the status to anything else after that.
- Undelivered means that, for whatever reason, the order cannot be filled (discontinued, undeliverable/bad address, etc.). When you choose this status, you will be asked to indicate the status change date and any notes. Undelivered orders will be moved from the Pending Orders tab to the Order History tab and closed. You will not be able to change the status to anything else after that.
- Pending means the order is waiting to be processed. When you change an order (back) to this status, you will be asked to indicate the status change date.
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