Import Utility: Importing Individual Contacts Part VI - Duplicate Prevention
- On Tab #4: Duplicate Prevention, you will set which fields the import utility will use to determine if a record being imported matches an existing record in the CRM.
- If the system finds a match, the existing record WILL BE UPDATED IN REAL TIME. Duplicate prevention is not a "catch and release" system where potential duplicates are flagged for you to review. Instead, if the system finds a match between the incoming record and an existing record, the incoming data will over-write the existing data.
- Please Note: this tab will only show if you selected "By Duplicate Prevention Setting" on Step/Tab #1: Import Details. If you are using the External ID or NonProfitEasy ID for this batch's duplicate prevention, then Tab #4: Duplicate Prevention will not show and you can skip this step and proceed to Part VII.
- The duplicate prevention settings here, on Tab #4 of the import utility, will over-ride your global duplicate prevention settings for the purposes of this import. That is, the duplicate prevention settings that you set here, on Tab #4, will apply to the imported data as its being imported, NOT your global duplication prevention settings (which are set on Main Menu > Contacts > Manage Duplicates). Note: your global duplication prevention settings will apply to all imported data AFTER the import is completed (that is, going forward). The duplicate prevention settings set here on Tab #4 just apply to the data being imported AS it's being imported.
- Please see our tutorial on global duplicate prevention settings for more information on what the various duplicate prevention options presented on Tab #4 of the import utility mean and how best to configure your duplicate prevention settings for this import.
- After making your selections, you can click the orange Review Settings button in the lower right to review your choices. Here, in this example, we are just using First & Last Name for individual contacts and Organization name for Organizations (that we have listed as the employer/work information for our individual contacts in our data file) for duplicate prevention for our batch.
- A pop up window will open displaying your selections with a textual explanation of how your chosen settings will work/be applied. Close the window by clicking Close button or the red X in the upper right-hand corner. If you want to make changes to your duplicate prevention settings, you may do so and then click Review Settings again until you are satisfied with your choices.
- After setting your duplicate prevention criteria for this import batch, click the blue Save & Next button in the lower right to move to the next tab. Alternatively, you can click the blue Back arrow in the lower left to exit without saving and return to complete the draft import batch at a later time.
- See our Import Utility: Importing Individual Contacts Part VII - Review tutorial for next steps.
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