Basic Dashboard Part I: Overview
- This tutorial presents an overview of the features/functions of Basic Dashboards.
- The Basic Dashboard provides at-a-glance data on Donation and Membership data.
- The Basic Dashboard is accessible from the Main Menu. (If you have Smart Dashboards activated, the Basic Dashboard is accessible by toggling the slider in the upper right hand corner of the Fundraising Dashboard)
- The Basic Dashboard updates overnight; any changes to the underlying data will not be reflected on the dashboard until the next day.
- For any of the charts on the Basic Dashboard, you can click the funnel in the chart's upper right hand corner to filter that report (filters are contextual/vary by chart; the available filter fields will show once you click the funnel).
- Below, we provide the definition of each item on the Basic Dashboard. If you do not see some of the charts, you either have turned them off (see the Basic Dashboards Part II: Configuring the Basic Dashboard tutorial) or you do not have user rights/permissions to view that data (e.g. if you do not have permission to view Membership Data, you will not see the Membership Charts on the Dashboard).
- Total Contacts is the total number of contacts (individuals and organization, active and inactivate/deceased) in your system.
- Total Active Contacts is the total number of active (non-deceased/inactive) contacts in your system.
- Total Active Individual Contacts is the total number of ACTIVE (non-deceased) individual contacts in your system. This is a subset of your total active contacts (total active individual contacts + total active organizational contacts = total active contacts).
- Total Active Organization Contacts is the total number of ACTIVE (non-inactive) organizational contacts in your system. This is a subset of your total active contacts (total active individual contacts + total active organizational contacts = total active contacts).
- Total Individual Donors is the total (unique count) number of donors (inception to date) who are individuals. This includes contacts who have ever made a donation (inception to date) of any kind (cash or in-kind) and both active and deceased contacts. Donors whose donations have been voided or cancelled/refunded are excluded/not counted.
- Total Organization Donors is the total (unique count) number of donors (inception to date) who are organizations. This includes contacts who have ever made a donation (inception to date) of any kind (cash or in-kind) and both active and inactive contacts. Donors whose donations have been voided or cancelled/refunded are excluded/not counted.
- Total Active Membership is the total number of memberships (not members) that are active as of today. If you have more Memberships than members, then you have more than one membership record for some contacts. Review the Add/Edit Membership tutorial about why it's not a good idea to have more than one membership per contact.
- Total Active Individual Members is the total number of people/individuals who are currently members (this is different than the number of Active memberships as you may have some members who have more than one membership or some memberships may have more than one person on them).
- Total Active Organization Members is the total number of organizations who are currently members (this is different than the number of Active memberships as you may have some members who have more than one membership or some memberships may have more than one person on them).
- Contact Limit is the total number of contacts (active and deceased/inactive) that you are allowed to have in your Fundly CRM database based on your current Fundly CRM subscription plan. If you have signed our 2019 contract, this field will be removed as the contact limit no longer applies.
- Please Note: Below this point, your charts/tables might not appear in the same order as our screen shots, as each user can configure the layout/order of the Basic Dashboard to their own specifications. See our Basic Dashboard Overview Part II: Configuring Basic Dashboard Layout for more information.
- The Giving Trend Summary Chart is the total amount of revenue received from both cash and in-kind gifts per month and year. Voided/refunded donations are excluded. Available filters for this chart are Donation Sources (mail, online, etc.) and year. (Please Note: We have provided a screen shot of the chart and the available filters (which show after clicking the filter/funnel icon in the upper right hand corner of the chart) for this chart. For the rest of the charts, we will show only the screen shot of the chart (as the screen shots of the filters are not very exciting)).
- The Avg Gift Summary Chart is the average donation amount received each month (total donation revenue received that month including both cash and in-kind gifts divided by a unique count of donors that month) (if a donor donated more than once per the month, they are only counted once in the calculation; if they donated once in one month/year and once in another month/year, they are counted in each month's calculation). Voided and refunded donations are excluded. Available filters for this chart are Donation Sources (mail, online, etc.) and year.
- New Donors Trend Summary Chart counts the number of donors who made their first gift (based on gift date) for each month and year. The first gift counts/can be either a cash or in-kind gift. Voided/cancelled donations are excluded. Available filters are for Gift Source and Year(s).
- Total Donors Trend Summary Chart counts the number of donors who made their first gift (based on gift date) for each month and year. The first gift counts/can be either a cash or in-kind gift. Voided/cancelled donations are excluded. Available filters are Gift Source(s) and Year(s).
- Donor Category Chart uses the system-defined Donor Categories and the donor summary table information (the Donor Category definitions are provided on the Advanced Reporting: Donation Tips tutorial). Categorization of donors is based on all time/inception to date donations (both cash and in-kind). Available filter is for Gift Source(s).
- The Recency Group, Frequency Group, and Amount Group Charts are based on INCEPTION-TO-DATE donor giving history (both cash and in-kind donations). There is no ability to filter these charts by a data range. In-kind gifts are included in RFA calculations if the donation is tied to a Fund that has the "include in RFA calculation" field checked in the Fund configuration/set up. Available filter on each is for Gift Source(s).
- The Major Donors Table list your top 5 major donors based on their amount of giving arranged from the highest to lowest. This table can be filtered by year.
- The Top Performing Campaigns Table lists the top 5 campaigns based on the funds raised arranged from highest to lowest. This table can be filtered by year.
- The Income Trend Summary Table is the total amount of income received from all donations (cash and in-kind) per month per year. Available filters for this chart are Fund Sources (gifts, event registration, memberships, grants, auction items, etc.) and year.
- The Payment Mode Chart is the total amount of revenue received from donations, event registrations, membership fees, event other items (merchandise), other items (non-event merchandise), cancellation fees, auction purchases, and grants broken down by payment mode (credit card, check, cash). Voided and cancelled transactions are not included. The available filter is for Year(s).
- The Source of Income Chart is the total amount of revenue received from donations, event registrations, membership fees, event other items (merchandise), other items (non-event merchandise), cancellation fees, auction purchases, and grants broken down by source of income. Voided and cancelled transactions are not included. This chart can be filtered by year.
- The Membership Trend Chart shows the total number of active memberships each month of each year of the selected time period. Memberships are counted once in each month they were active, even if they are later cancelled, lapsed, or expired (if Jane's membership is for 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 and she cancels at the end of May, she will be counted once in January, February, March, April, and May - the months her membership was active). Voided transactions are excluded. This charts can be filtered by type (active, renewed, joined, cancelled, etc.) and year.
- The Membership Trend Summary Table lists the number of memberships per status comparing the number between last year (period) and this year. This can be filtered by month.
- The Source of Income by Campaign Chart is the total amount raised per fundraising campaign broken down source of income (donation or membership fees). This can be filtered by year and campaign names.
- The Source of Income by Program Chart is the total amount of income for each program broken down by source (event registration fees, donations, grants, and membership fees). This can be filtered by program.
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