Smart Dashboards Part IIIa: Fundraising Dashboard Overview
- Please see the Smart Dashboards Part I tutorial for an overview of functionality and features within the Smart Dashboards.
- Please see the Smart Dashboards Part II tutorial for information on how to activate Smart Dashboards (if you have not already done so).
- To access the Fundraising Dashboards, click on Dashboard on the Main Menu and then select Fundraising from the sub-menu.
- The Fundraising Smart Dashboard has two tabs: Fundraising (which contains an overview of donations) and Donor Classification (which contains a breakdown of donors by recency, frequency, and amount groups and donor category).
- All voided and cancelled donations are EXCLUDED from the Fundraising dashboard.
- Both in-kind and cash donations are INCLUDED in the Fundraising dashboards (both tabs) by default. You can use the Gift Type filter in the left hand panel to exclude either in-kind or cash gifts.
- Both Gift (cash) and In-Kind donations are INCLUDED by default (there is a filter on the left hand side to filter by Gift Type).
- The Fundraising Tab shows data for the last three calendar years (current calendar year plus the previous two calendar years). This is the maximum number of years that can be shown. You can filter all data shown on the Fundraising tab by clicking on the year line of any chart or using the date range slider on the left-hand menu.
- The Fundraising Tab has filters on the left hand side that will allow you to filter the entire Fundraising Dashboard (everything on the Fundraising tab) by:
- Gift Amount (type amount in the boxes or use the slider to select the amount range),
- Campaign(s),
- Gift Date,
- Event(s),
- Fund(s),
- Gift Source(s),
- Gift Type(s),
- Program(s).
Click on any of the filters to expand the drop down and select the filter items to apply.
- In the upper right hand corner are gray boxes with some basic metrics:
- Total Donors is a unique count of those who made a donation during the selected time period. Donors who donated more than once will only be counted once.
- Organization Donors is a unique count of the number of donors during the selected time period who are an organization/donations from an organization (where the organizaton is listed as the primary donor). Organization Donors is a subset of Total Donors (Organization Donors + Individual Donors = Total Donors). Organization Donors includes both active and inactive donors/organizations.
- Individual Donors is a unique count of the number of donors during the selected time period who are an individual/donations from an individual (where the individual is listed as the primary donor). Individual Donors is a subset of Total Donors (Organization Donors + Individual Donors = Total Donors). Individual donors includes both active and deceased donorsindivdiuals.
- Funds Raised is the total donation revenue (from both in-kind and cash gifts) for the selected time period excluding voided and refunded transactions.
- Total Donors is a unique count of those who made a donation during the selected time period. Donors who donated more than once will only be counted once.
- Giving Trend Summary Chart is the total amount (cash and in-kind) raised per month per year excluding voided and refunded transactions. The month & year is determined by the Gift Date field (not payment date).
- Total Number of Donors Per Month Per Year Chart is a unique count of the total number of donors (both cash and in-kind) per month per year based on gift date (not payment date). Voided and refunded donations are excluded. If a donor donates more than once in a single month, that donor is only counted once for that month. If a donor donates multiple times in the year (different months), they are counted once in each month they donated (based on gift date). That is, if Tim made two separate donations in February 2017, he is only counted once for February. If he donated twice in February and once in July 2017, he is included once in the count for 2/2017 and once in the count for 7/2017.
- Average Gift Trend Summary Chart is the average amount donated per month and per year based on gift date (not payment date) (total donated (cash and in-kind) across all donors for that month and year divided by the total unique number of donors for that month and year. For example, if $40,000 was raised in June 2017 from 25 donors, the average amount donated (per person) for the month of June 2017 would be $1,600). Voided and refunded donations are excluded. Donors are only counted once per month even if they made multiple donations during that month, but the total amount they donated is counted/included in the calculation.
- Campaign Totals Table is the total amount raised during the selected time period for all campaigns configured in your system. This total includes cash and in-kind gifts; it excludes voided and refunded transactions.
- Programs Table is the total amount raised during the selected time period for all programs (and sub-programs) configured in your system. This total includes cash and in-kind gifts; it excludes voided and refunded transactions.
- Donors Table is the total amount donated per donor for the time period selected. This total includes cash and in-kind gifts; it excludes voided and refunded transactions.
- The Donor Classification tab has filters for:
- Amount Group,
- Donor Category,
- Frequency Group,
- Recency Group.
- See this tutorial in the reporting section, Step #11 for more information on recency, frequency, and amount groups and donor categories (you can also click the link on the left hand panel of the Donor Classification Dashboard to access the tutorial on how to configure Recency Groups, Frequency Groups, and Amount Groups or access that tutorial here).
- In the upper right hand corner are gray boxes with some basic metrics:
- Total Contacts is the total number of contacts (organizations and individuals, active and deceased/inactive) in your database/system.
- Active Contacts is a subset of Total Contacts and is the total number of Active Contacts (both individuals and organizations) in your system.
- Individual Contacts is the total number of individual contacts (both active and deceased) in your system.
- Organization Contacts is the total number of organization contacts (both active and inactive) in your system.
- Total Contacts is the total number of contacts (organizations and individuals, active and deceased/inactive) in your database/system.
- New Donors Trend Summary Chart counts the number of donors who made their first gift (based on gift date) for each month and year. The first gift counts/can be either a cash or in-kind gift. Voided/cancelled donations are excluded.
- The Recency Group, Frequency Group, and Amount Group Charts are based on INCEPTION-TO-DATE donor giving history (both cash and in-kind donations). There is no ability to filter these charts by a data range. In-kind gifts are included in RFA calculations if the donation is tied to a Fund that has the "include in RFA calculation" field checked in the Fund configuration/set up.
- The Donor Category Chart uses the system-defined Donor Categories and the donor summary table information (the Donor Category definitions are providing on the Advanced Reporting: Donation Tips tutorial linked to in step #18 above). Categorization of donors is based on all time/inception to date donations (both cash and in-kind).
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