Take steps to prepare your version 2.0 account for use now. Even prior to migration, you will have access to your version 2.0 account so you can begin to get used to the look and feel of the new platform.
Watch or Attend the Getting Started with CRM 2.0 Webinar - The BEST way to prepare for the upgrade is to get a walkthrough of Version 2.0 to ensure that you have a basic knowledge of the changes that have been made to the design and flow of CRM Version 2.0
Account Settings
Log into your account to add/edit your organization's information, add users, and add activate additional features.
Create Application Roles - As an admin user, you will be able to create user roles, which allow certain permissions for CRM users within your organization.
Add your team - Add the users to your organization to give them their own CRM access
Add your logo - Your organization's logo will be used throughout the CRM for default templates. To add your logo, under Account, go to Organization Info to upload your logo.
Start Fundraising with CRM. Import Past Donations, enter new donations, track your campaigns, and much much more!
Set Acknowledgment Settings - Acknowledgment Settings need to be set in order to receive/enter Gifts through the CRM. These setting will determine your default templates that will be used to acknowledge gifts or pledges received by your organization
Set Up Templates - If you will be using CRM to send E-Communications, setup templates in advance so you can resume operations upon the completion of your migration.
CRM Basics
Keep your CRM clean with Duplicate Prevention & Hygiene Rules - Your organization’s ability to get the most out of its data depends on the “quality” of its data. One important aspect of data quality is ensuring that there are no duplicate records for the same Contact. When Contact records are imported from other database systems, or when new Contact records are added, duplicates of the same Contact data can sometimes be created inadvertently.
One important aspect of data quality is ensuring that there are no duplicate records for the same Contact. Hygiene Rule will help keep your system clean and will provide prompts to notify you if you have entered data that might be considered a duplicate.
Create e-Blast Templates - An e-Blast can be a fairly simple but effective addition to your nonprofit’s overall web presence. It can help you not only connect with donors, volunteers, and supporters but also maintain these relationships and keep your nonprofit on the top of people’s minds, thus increasing the likelihood they’ll continue to support you long into the future.
If you were using events in version 1.0, all of the events data will migrate over.
If you were using Memberships in Version 1.0, all of the membership data will transfer over. However, if you have online Memberships, you may want to consider creating Membership for in Version 2.0
Create Membership Forms - Upon the completion of the migration, select the membership form you would like to use for each of your membership levels.
Integrations and Online Payments
If you were using NPE Pages OR Umbraco CMS in Version 1.0 to receive online donations, sell event tickets, and process memberships, you will need to reconfigure the pages in version 2.0.
Recreate pages for Donations and Events - For further assistance email support@fundly.com
If you had Wordpress Plugins in Version 1.0, the Fundly Implementation Team will take care of updating the plugins on your website to work with Version 2.0.
Email Site Login Details to Implementation - So we can update the plugins on your site, please send the following info to support@fundly.com:
FTP - Host, username, password, port
Wordpress - Username, password
NEW to Version 2.0 is our Donation Widget. The Donation Widget allows you to create a widget to receive donations quickly through your website
Create a Donation Widget - NEW
Training and Support
Attend the Getting Started with Version 2.0 Webinar - Your attendance is required at this webinar before scheduling your one-on-one organization training.
Schedule Initial "One-on-One" training - After your sign-up, a member of our training department will reach out to you to schedule your initial one-on-one training.
Create A Zendesk User - Once you are up and running with CRM, for continued support, you can email support@fundly.com with any issues, questions, or feature requests. Create a Zendesk User to manage your support tickets, feature request or questions.
Activate Phone Support - If you would like to receive Phone support, you can activate Phone Support in your Account Settings under "My Account"
Attend FREE Webinars - Fundly offers many FREE webinars. Sign up and attend when you can!
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