A list of all previous imports can be found by navigating to the Main Menu and selecting "Import."
The title of the batch is determined by the user that has created the import batch. Creating a title may indicate the source of the upload file. Ex: "2016 Winter Donor Campaign"
Import Type
There are four types of imports.
Individual Contacts
Organization Contacts
Auction Purchases
Displays the date when the import was initiated.
Total Rows
Displays the total data entries that were contained in the uploaded import file.
Displays the current status of the import.
Uploading File
Importing Data
Processing Completed
Incomplete - {#} Errors
Process Failed
- Uploading File indicates that the import batch has been created, but is still awaiting the upload of a CSV file. At this stage, you can either edit the import to upload the file or delete the batch.
- Indicates that the batch is currently running through the import process. Import times may vary based on the size of the batch.
- Indicates that the import batch has been successfully uploaded. At the stage, you can review the records that were uploaded to the CRM.
- Indicates that there were errors in the uploaded file or the mapping of the file. At this stage, you can review and edit the records to re-import, or you can edit the data in the upload file and re-upload the file to restart the import batch.
- If your batch was partially processed, the batch titles will reflect this split batch. The batch with (Batch 1) in the title will include all rows that processed successfully while the batch with (Batch 2) in the title will include only rows with validation errors and have the status of "Incomplete = {#} Errors."
- In the rare occasion that you see this status, please contact support@fundly.com with the subject line "Import Process Failed".
- Review is an action that is normally required if there have been validation errors in your import files or the mapping of your file to Fundly CRM.
Review Records
- Review records is an action that will be available upon the successful import of your data. You may also choose to review how your data was mapped to the CRM by selecting Field Mapping from the drop-down.
- Rename lets you change the title of the import batch.
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