Manage your Public Site
As a VAC, you are able to design and customize a public site in Fundly Connect™ to represent your organization. Your public site is where volunteers and organizations will initially create an account with your VAC and where they can return to perform tasks such as searching for opportunities, viewing opportunity calendars, making donations, and accessing your VAC’s social media accounts.
While Fundly Connect™ provides a template for your public site that includes suggestions for pages and content, it does not contain any information specific to your organization. Be sure to populate the site with your organization’s own content.
Preview Public Site
To preview how your public site appears to visitors, follow the steps below.
1. From the Main Menu, click Website Integration then Design My Public Site.
2. A preview of your VAC’s public site as it has been configured will appear. You may navigate to and preview other areas of the site by clicking on menu items.
Edit Public Site Appearance
To edit the appearance (i.e., color scheme, layout) of your public site, follow the steps below.
1. From the Main Menu, click Design My Public Site.
2. Click the arrow next to “Edit Template” on the right side of the screen. This will expand the templates and configurations panel.
3. In the “Templates” tab, select your desired template.
4. In the “Configure” tab, select your desired colors for the template and background.
5. If desired, you may connect to your Google Analytics account by entering the HTML code from Google in the “Google Analytics Script” content box.
6. When done, click Save Changes and collapse the panel by clicking the arrow.
Note: If you wish to preview the changes you made, click Preview.
Edit Public Site Content
To edit the content (i.e., text, images, pages) that appears on your public site, follow the steps below. To begin, go to the Main Menu and click Design My Public Site. Then, click Edit Template on the right side of the screen.
Note: If at any time you wish to preview the site, save your work and click Preview.
Public Site Widgets
Each public site on Fundly is preconfigured to display certain elements, or “widgets.” These widgets appear within dotted lines and can be edited. To edit a widget, click its edit icon or click within the dotted lines. Widget types are explained below.
1. Logo: Upload an image of your logo and a URL to which the image redirects users
2. Need Help Text: Provide information on whom volunteers and users should contact if they experience any problems.
It is recommended that you provide at least your organization’s phone number and/or email address.
3. Menu(s): Add or edit the items that appear in a menu (i.e., navigation bar); Refer to the Public Site Menu Items section below for more detail
4. Image Slider: Upload images to display in a slider on Home page
5. Summary: Select which summary items (e.g., Number of Volunteers) you wish to display
6. Home Content: Add content (e.g., text, images) to appear on Home page
7. Hide/Show Recent Opportunities: Hide or show your Featured Opportunities
8. Social Media Settings: Add URLs for your social media sites
Public Site Menu Items
Public sites contain two menus (i.e., navigation bars) which consist of menu items. Menu items are each created from a different menu type (explained in step 3 below). When clicked, a menu item brings the user to another page on your public site or to a designated external link. Menus can be edited and customized.
1. To edit a menu, click its edit icon. A list of its current menu items will appear.
Note: Some menus are not visible from the home page. To access these menus for editing, click on Preview. Click on the desired tab (e.g., Organizations, Volunteers, Teams) to open its respective menu, then return to the Edit Template screen.
2. To create a new menu item, click Add New Menu Item.
3. Select a “Menu Type” from the dropdown menu. Menu types are explained below. For most menu types, you must enter a “Name” (i.e., the text appearing in the menu) and a “Title” (i.e., the text appearing as the page title). Some menu types require additional steps, as explained below.
Note: By default, many menu types are already built-in to the menus on the public site template. While you may add multiple menu items of the same type, multiples of some menu types (e.g., Organization Signup, Volunteer Signup, Calendar) will link directly to the content of the original menu item.
Text Page: Page containing only text, images, and videos (i.e., an “About Us” page)
a. Enter the desired text in the “Content” box.
b. Use the formatting options to add additional content (i.e., add images, embed YouTube videos, create tables)
c. When done, click Save.
Volunteer/Organization/Team Signup: Links to volunteer, organization, or team signup and registration page
a. Enter the desired text in the “Content” box, if applicable.
Search Opportunity: Links to a page on which users can search through your VAC’s and your partner organization’s opportunities
Organization Lookup: Links to a page listing your partner organizations
Programs: Links to a page listing your programs
Home: Links to your public site’s home page
Note: It is advised that each public site contains only one Home menu item.
a. Enter the desired text in the “Content” box.
Note: Any text content added here will override the text content of your “Home Content” widget (see item 6 of the Public Site Widgets section above).
Calendar: Links to a calendar of your public opportunities and trainings
a. To edit a calendar’s default settings, click Preview.
b. Click on the menu item that links to the calendar.
c. After the calendar opens, click Edit Template.
d. Click the calendar’s edit icon.
e. In the “Edit Calendar Settings” window, select your desired default view and filter options for the calendar, then click Save.
External URL: Links to a designated external site
a. Enter the desired site in the “External URL” field.
Team List: Links to a page listing your teams
4. In some menus, you can add an additional level to a menu item, or a sub menu. To add a sub menu, open the edit window for the menu in which it is located, locate the desired menu item, then click Add Sub Menu in its dropdown menu. The sub menu will appear on the page of its parent menu.
Note: Do not add sub menus to menu items that link to external pages, as these sub menus will have no page on which to appear.
5. To rearrange the order in which the menu items appear, click and drag each item.
6. To edit a menu item, click Edit.
7. To delete a menu item, click Delete in its dropdown menu.
Update your Public Site’s URL
You are able to customize the URL for your VAC’s public site. The customization will appear at
the end of the standard Fundly Connect™ public site URL,
If your organization desires more customization, Fundly Connect™ also offers a Vanity URL
add-on in the Purchase Add-Ons section. A Vanity URL serves as a powerful marketing tool
for an organization to promote its brand to partners and volunteers.
1. Open the Main Menu.
2. At the bottom of the menu, click the edit icon next to your site’s current URL.
3. Type the desired name for your new URL, then click Save & Close.
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