e-Appeals: Create New e-Appeal Part VI: Review Sent Appeal's Metrics (optional)
- After your e-Appeal has been sent to your donors, you can review a variety of metrics related to your e-Appeal, including:
- the list of recipients
- Average gift amount per segment per test variable (with totals for each segment across all variable and for each test variable across all segments)
- Total gift amount (total amount donated) per segment per variable (with totals for each segment across all variable and for each test variable across all segments)
- Number of gifts per segment per test variable (with totals for each segment across all variable and for each test variable across all segments)
- Number (of recipients) who opened your e-Appeal email per segment per test variable (with totals for each segment across all variable and for each test variable across all segments)(with drill down list of which recipient's emails bounced)
- Number of recipient emails that bounced per segment per test variable (with totals for each segment across all variable and for each test variable across all segments) (with drill down list of which recipient's emails bounced)
- Number of recipient emails that unsubscribed per segment per test variable (with totals for each segment across all variable and for each test variable across all segments) (with drill down list of which recipient's emails bounced)
- Metrics/summary statistics are available in both table and chart/graph form.
- To view your e-Appeals metrics/summary statistics, from the Main Menu, click on Communications and then select History from the communications sub-menu.
- This will take you to your list of sent communications (Communications History page). Find you sent e-Appeal in the list. You can use the filters at the top fo the page to search.
- To view the list of recipients, click on the hyperlinked/underline number of recipients.
- To view the summary statistics/metrics for your e-Appeal, click the drop down to the right of the e-Appeal and select Summary.
- This will take you to the summary statistics page for your e-Appeal.
- At the top of the page, you can see which variable you choose for A/B testing listed as the Test Variable (in the screen shot below, our variable was the email template/content) (when viewing the data in Summary View (table format), you will be able to see the details of the test variable/the specific item sent to each group in the Splits section).
- The items to the right of the test variable at the top of the page are the Common Info items (items that all recipients received).
- To view your metrics/e-Appeal statistics, start by selecting which statistic/metric you wish to view from the drop down in the middle left of the page.
- Next, choose whether you wish to see the data presented in Chart View (graph/chart) or Summary View (table).
- When viewing data in Summary View/as a table:
- Your segments (various recipient lists) are listed on the far left. You can see how many people were in each segment.
- You can see the test variables in the gray horizontal header area. If your test variable was a template, you can view the content/email sent to each segment by clicking on the magnifying glass.
- In the screen shots below, we are viewing the average gift amount in Summary View/table format.
- We can see the average amount raised in each recipient segment by reading across (the rows). We can see that we raised $25 from those who had not donated in the last six month, $0 from our female non-donors, $0 from recipients named Terri Bruce, and $0 from Referrals.
- We can see the average amount raised per test variable by reading down (the columns). We can see that our test variable is the email template/letter content. This means that all of our recipients got an email at the same date & time, with the same sender name, and same subject line. However, half our recipients received one email template/letter and half got a different email template/letter. We can see we raised $0 using Terri's E-Appeal Template and $25 from our Appeal Template 1- CO. It seems the second template was more effective, at least among our previous donors who haven't donated in the last six months.
- You can see which specific recipients are in each grid block (the intersection of each column and row) by clicking on the number.
- In the resulting list, we can see which recipient segment the recipient is in and which test variable they received.
- When viewing data in Chart View/as a graph:
- Your segments (various recipient lists) will be listed on the X (horizontal) axis of the graph.
- Your test variables will be presented as color-code columns on the graph (refer to the legend at the bottom center of the graph).
- The average for each segment (across test variables) will be displayed as a trendline.
- The values per variable across all segments will be displayed as a pie chart in the upper left hand corner of your chart.
- Hovering over any column in the chart will provide the column's value and the # of recipients in that segment. In the screen shot below, we have hovered over the blue Not in Last Six Months column. "Not in the Last Six Months" is the name of our segment. We can see from the pop up that there were 9 recipients of our Test 1 test variable [in this case, Test 1 was our second email template, the one name Appeal Template 1 - CO] and the average gift amount for this test variable from this segment was $25. In the second screen shot, we've hovered over the Female Non-Donors average/trendline point. We can see that there were 5 recipients in this segment and they gave us on average $0 (sad face!). In the third screen shot below, we have hovered over our pie chart in the upper left. From this we can see there were 11 total recipients for the entire appeal (across all segments) for Test Variable 1 (our second email template).
- As with Summary (table) View, clicking on any item will bring up the list of recipients in that category/item.
- Here is one more example of Chart View. Here we have selected number of emails Opened as our metric to view. With this chart, we can see that our segment "Not in the Last Six Months" (those that haven't opened in the last six months) had 9 recipients who got the default rest variable (the first email template), of which only 1 opened our email, and 9 recipients who got Test 1 (our second email template), of which 3 opened our email. Clearly, among that segment, the second email did better (on the other hand, our default template was more popular amongst the (people named) "Terri Bruce" segment). We can also see, if we hover over the average, that there were 18 total recipients in the Not in the Last Six Months segment and the average number of people who opened the email in that segment (across both test variables) was 2 (3 opened in one segment, 1 in the other, for a total of 4 opens, divided by 2 test variables gives us an average of 2 people in that segment opened the email).
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