Text-to-Donate Part III: Receive Donations
- This tutorial will cover how to receive donations through Text-to Donate Pages (after the page is set up and activated). Click here to learn more about setting up text-to-donate pages.
- The online Text-to-Donate pages are special pages that sit on our server (rather than on your website). All clients use the same text-to-donate donation page - these cannot be customized beyond the options presented inside your CRM. You can add a banner OR background image and you can set the button color. Those are the only customizations. You can preview what the online checkout pages will look like in the Text-to-Donate page configurations/page set up within CRM (Main Menu: Fundraising: Text-to-Donate Pages, create new text-to-donate page OR click the drop-down next to any page and Edit the text-to-donate page. There is an interactive preview in the right-hand panel).
- There are 2 ways to receive donations for a Text-to-Donate page: Donor Initiated (in which the donor sends the keyword to the Text-to-Donate phone number and receives an auto-response with the link to donate) and Text Blast response (in which your staff proactively send a text message to contacts in your system with the link to donate).
- In the Donor Initiated flow, donors who know the code for your text to donate page (share the code freely with the public to solicit donations!) send the code/keyword to the special Text-to-Donate phone number to initiate the donation. You can get the phone number and the code/keyword on the create/edit text to donate configuration page.
- The texter will receive your automatic text message response (configured on your text-to-donate page set up within CRM) containing the link to donate.
- In the Text Blast Response flow, contacts will automatically receive the link to donate as part of the text message sent by your organization. Please refer to this tutorial on how to send text blasts.
- In either flow, the donor should click on the link to be directed to the online donation page.
- In either case, the online checkout flow is a three-step/three-page process. On the first step/page, the donor should select the desired amount to donate then click Donate Now.
- On the next page, the donor should fill out the Personal Details form. First Name and Last Name are required fields. Email and Address *may* be required if they are part of your duplicate prevention settings (Main Menu: Contacts: Duplicate Prevention); otherwise, they will be optional. Phone Number is also optional. Once the user has finished filling out their contact information, they should click Donate Now to complete proceed to the next step.
- On the next page, the user will be prompted to provide their credit card information or to pay via digital wallet and select if the donation should be recurring (if you have enabled this option in your text-to-donate page settings). After completing this information, the donor should click Donate Now to complete the transaction.
- The donor will then receive a Thank You text after the donation has been made (if you have configured/enabled the thank you text). Please Note: The response will not be received right away. There will be a 5-10 minutes delay.
- Donations made via Text-to-Donate are treated by the system as a regular donation. They will show on the contact's Financial Summary and Giving Details on View Contact, on the Gifts Index Page (Main Menu: Fundraising: Gifts), on the Financials Index Page (Main Menu: Financials: Financials), and in the online activity log (Main Menu: Website Integrations: Activity and Email Log).
- PLEASE NOTE: There is nothing on the gift record that indicates the donation was made via Text-to-Donate unless you set the page "Gift Source" field as "Text to Donate."
- You can see how much has been donated in aggregate/total (plus other metrics on # of text messages sent, etc.) by viewing the Dashboard/metrics for any text-to-donate page and/or text-to-donate text blast. See our Text to Donate Part IV tutorial on how to view Text to Donate metrics.
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