Individuls: Householding and Shared Communications Part II - Create/Add To Household
- This tutorial covers how to create and/or add members to a household.
- When two or more contacts are indicated to live in the same household, they are said to be "householded
- There are three different ways to add householding to contact records. All three are done from Edit Contact mode:
- Via the Relationships tab
- Via the Spouse/Partner field from the Personal Info tab
- Via the Child-Parent from the Personal Info tab.
- Each of the three methods for adding householding has slightly different behavior/rules, which are detailed below.
- To add householding to a contact's record from the Relationships tab (for all relationship types):
- Start by creating or editing a new relationship (see the Individual Contacts: Create Relationship tutorial for more details).
- Toggle the Part of Same Household slider to Yes.
- On the left hand side of the screen you will see the current contact (the person whose record you are editing). On the right hand side of the screen you will see person being added to the household.
- The Home Address (if any), phone number(s) (if any), and email address(es) (if any) of both contacts will display (on their respective half of the screen). Please Note: only Home address can be shared. If you want to share one address between members of a household, be sure to set its Home/Work drop down to Home. You can share the Home Address before or after householding the contacts together. Both flows are show in the steps below.
- In this example, neither contact has a home address so there is no address to be shared (neither contact has any phone numbers or email addresses either, so there is nothing to share. The only options here on this screen are to confirm the relationship and same household status. Click Save to complete the household creation).
- Here, in this example, Danny has a home address but his aunt, Sarah, has a mailing address on her record that is not set to home (so it cannot be shared). Danny's address will automatically be shared to Sarah's record as the household/shared address (it will be saved to Sarah's record as an Other Address since she already has her own mailing address) (see our Individual Contacts: Add/Edit/Share/Delete Address(es) for the rules on sharing addresses). If, instead, Sarah had a home address and Danny didn't have a home address on his record, then Sarah's home address is the one that would become the shared address.
- In this example, both Danny and Sarah have a home address on their records when we start the householding process. The user selects which address gets set as the shared/household address. The system starts by assuming the primary contact's home address (the home address of the person whose record we are editing) will be the home address.
- The other person's home address will be erased and replaced with the shared address. The system warns us of this (as above, be sure to read our tutorial on sharing addresses to understand the various rules as to when an address is saved versus when it is overwritten).
- You can change whose address is being selected as the household/shared address by clicking the Select as Household Address button.
- Now, as you can see, Sarah's address has been selected as the Home/shared address and Danny original home address will be erased.
- If you want to share any of the phone numbers and/or email addresses to the other person's record, click the Share With button(s).
- You will know which phone number(s) and/or email address(es) have been shared by the change in the text of the share button and the green check mark next to any shared contact information.
- Click the Associate Household(s) button in the lower right to save and proceed. Click the Close button or the red X in the upper right to exit without saving changes/to cancel.
- If neither of the contacts have any additional relationships, then the create relationship process is completed. You will be returned to the Relationships tab.
- If either of the contacts have additional relationships, you will be taken to the Associate Relationships screen.
- Select the relationship from the relationship drop down for every person presented. You MUST associate all of the people in the same household together in relationships.
- Click the black Save button in the bottom right to finish creating the relationship. You'll be returned to the contact's Relationship tab.
- To add householding from the Personal Info tab for Spouse/Partner relationship:
- In edit mode, navigate to one of the contact's Personal Info tab. In the Relationship section, in the Spouse/Partner Name field enter the name of the spouse/partner (as elsewhere in the system, start typing a few characters of the name and select off the list of matching names already in your system or type the entire name and hit enter or tab to bring up the Quick Add contact pop up window to add a new contact to your database) and select spouse or partner from the relationship type drop down (see the Individual Contacts: Create Relationship tutorial for more information on adding a spouse/partner from the Personal Info tab).
- Check the Same Household box
- The Create Relationship pop up window will open. Complete the steps as above/as for create/edit relationship from the relationship tab.
- Please Note: If you close the Associate Households pop up window without associating the households and then Save the contact record, you WILL create a spouse/partner relationship between the two contacts (just not spouse/partner in the same household). The spouse/partner will not show on the Personal Info tab (only spouse/partner in the same household shows on the Personal Info tab. However, if you view the relationship tab, you will see the relationship has been created. If you then try to check the Same Household box on the Personal Info tab, you will get an error message that a relationship already exists for these two contacts. You will need to edit the relationship on the relationship tab to household these contacts.
- After associating the households, when the Create Relationship pop up window closes, you will be returned to the contact's Personal Info tab. The Household Formal Salutation and Household Informal Salutation fields will have populated from your Default Salutation settings (see the Configure: Default Salutations tutorial for more information on default salutations, especially Household Salutations).
- You can edit/overwrite the default salutations if you would like. However, please note: when you start typing a salutation into the box, the system will attempt to match what you type with one of the system default salutation styles (e.g. "First Name 1 and First Name 2" or "First Name 1 Last Name 1 and First Name 2 Last Name 2." A list of all possible system default salutation styles appear. If you select a salutation off the list, you are assigning a system default salutation to the contacts and that salutation will use the default style rules. Which means a) if any part of the salutation placeholders is missing, the system will substitute the fall back style, and b) the household salutation on each record will "mirror" the salutation on the other record. Person 1 is always the contact record you are viewing. For example, for Jane and John Smith, when you are viewing Jane's record, she is Person 1. Her household salutations will list her first. When viewing Johns' record, he is Person 1 and his household salutations will list him first. For clients wanting the same person listed first, regardless of which partner's record is being viewed (e.g. always list the wife first or always list the husband first), you must NOT pick a salutation off the list. Instead, you must manually type the entire salutation you want (and manually enter it on both records) to override the system default styles and mirroring.
- When you are done, click the blue Save button in the lower right to save your changes.
- In edit mode, navigate to one of the contact's Personal Info tab. In the Relationship section, in the Spouse/Partner Name field enter the name of the spouse/partner (as elsewhere in the system, start typing a few characters of the name and select off the list of matching names already in your system or type the entire name and hit enter or tab to bring up the Quick Add contact pop up window to add a new contact to your database) and select spouse or partner from the relationship type drop down (see the Individual Contacts: Create Relationship tutorial for more information on adding a spouse/partner from the Personal Info tab).
- To add householding via the Personal Info tab for Parent-Child relationships:
- As with the spouse/partner relationship steps above, begin by editing the Parent's record and navigating to the Personal Info tab (to begin the process from the child's record, you will need to go to the Relationship tab and add the parent from there).
- Add the child's name to the Child Name field and click the Same Household box. As elsewhere in the system, start typing a few characters of the name and select off the list of matching names already in your system or type the entire name and hit enter or tab to bring up the Quick Add contact pop up window to add a new contact to your database.
- The Associate Households box will pop up. Follow the steps in Step #5 above to complete this screen and the next one, if applicable.
- When the Associate Households pop up window closes, the child will show on the parent's record. Click the blue Save button in the lower right to save changes. The Parent will now show on the child's record on the relationship tab and the child (as well as the parent(s) are given the Household contact type.
- As with the spouse/partner relationship steps above, begin by editing the Parent's record and navigating to the Personal Info tab (to begin the process from the child's record, you will need to go to the Relationship tab and add the parent from there).
- If you wish to share a phone number, email address, or Home address between household members after you have set up the householding/outside the householding process outlined above:
- To share an (home) address, simply add a Home address to one of the household members (add a new address in the Mailing Address or Other Address block and set the Home/Work type to Home or change the Home/Work drop down of an uncategorized Mailing or Other address to Home). It will be instantly shared with all other household members. See our Individual Contacts: Add/Edit/Share/Delete Addresses for more information on adding/editing addresses.
- To share an email address or phone number, click the Share With button under the phone number or email field. See our tutorials on adding phone numbers and email addresses for more information on using the Share With button.
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