Contact Records Part IIa: Add Individual or Organization Contact via Quick Add
- This tutorial will cover how to add Individual and Organization Contact records to your database using the Quick Add Contact function.
- The Quick Add function is one of two ways to add contacts to your system. The other is Full Add Contact, which is covered in separate tutorials (Full Add Individual Contact and Full Add Organizational Contact).
- Quick Add Contact brings up a truncated "add contact" screen that allows users to quickly add the most basic/common information for an individual or organization contact. It's a quick load, short cut option to quickly add the basic information in a contact record and then move on.
- The Quick Add screen is also the pop up window that will appear whenever you create a contact record "on the fly" within the system. "On the fly" record creation happens when you are entering a transaction (for instance, a donation or membership) and you type the name of a contact that doesn't exist within your system into the Contact Name field. The system will pop up a message asking if you wish to create an individual or organizational contact.
- If you select Individual, the Quick Add Individual box will pop up. If you select Organization, the Quick Add Organization box will pop up. The name you typed previously (to trigger the Quick Add pop up) will pre-populate to the name field on the Quick Add screen.
- To use Quick Add Contact to add a new contact to your system, from the Main Menu click Add New to open the quick add sub-menu and then select Add Individual or Add Organization.
- If Adding An Individual Contact: in the resulting screen, you can begin by entering basic information for the contact. The only required fields are First and Last Name. The email field populates the PRIMARY email address and the phone number populates the PRIMARY phone number field.
- If Adding An Organizational Contact: The only required field is Organization Name. The email field populates the PRIMARY email address and the phone number populates the PRIMARY phone number field.
- As you start typing a name in the Organization Name field, a drop down list of matching organizations will appear. This list is generated from 360MatchPro, our partner for tracking employer matching gifts.This is a list of organizations/employers found in 360MatchPro/that offer a matching gifts program. If one of these organizations match the organization you are entering, select it off the list. Otherwise, type in the name of an organization not on the list.
- For both Individual and Organizational contact records, after entering the contact name and any additional information that you have, you can either:
- Save this contact and quick add another new contact, by clicking the Save and Add New button in the lower right of the Quick Add Contact screen
- Save and exit out of quick add contact if you do not wish to enter any further contacts by clicking the Save and Close button
- Open the full add contact screen to add additional information to the newly created contact record/access fields not available on the quick add screen (such as work information, relationships, contact types, notes, etc.) by clicking the Add More Information button in the lower right. Please Note: you can directly access Full Add Contact by selecting Add Individual or Add Organization from Main Menu: Contacts rather than accessing it via Quick Add.
- Save this contact and quick add another new contact, by clicking the Save and Add New button in the lower right of the Quick Add Contact screen
- For more information on Full Add Contact, see our tutorials on Full Add Contact.
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