Individuals: Add/Edit/Share/Delete Address(es)
- On the Personal Info tab of an individual contact record (viewable while in edit mode), there are several address blocks, on the left hand side of the screen, in the Contact Address section.
- Click the + button to the left of any collapsed/hidden block to open it up and see the data in it. Click the - button to the left of any expanded block to collapse it.
- The address blocks are as follows:
- Mailing Address - this is the address at which the contact wishes to receive mailed/hard copy communications.
- If you have address verification turned on, after entering an address into the Mailing Address block, the address verification screen will pop up. Address verification checks the Mailing, Billing, Season, and Temporary Address blocks. See steps #11-17 of this tutorial:
- This block is tied to the communications module (the address entered in the Mailing Address block is the one that will populate placeholders in the communications module and contacts MUST have a mailing address to be pulled into hard copy communications such as donation acknowledgements sent via mail, Letters sent via mail, etc.). See our tutorials on sending communications for more information.
- This block is also the one that will show in the upper right hand corner of the screen when in View Contact mode and is the address that will show on the Search Results page, and is the address that is on the "Address" fields of the Contact and Contact with Contact Types tables in reporting (and in Advanced Search).
- The Mailing Address can be categorized as a work address, home address, or left uncategorized (unknown if home or work or a "pure" mailing address that is neither home nor work (such as a P.O. Box) via the home/work drop down in the upper right hand corner.
- An address is added to the Mailing Address block via online forms (event registration, membership form, online donation, the user's public profile, etc.) when the user checks the "use as mailing address box" next to Home Address in the online form. The address is saved to the mailing address block and categorized as "home.
- Billing Address - this is the address at which the contact wishes to receive requests for payment.
- If there is a Mailing Address on file and the same address should be used for the Billing Address, check the Same as Mailing Address checkbox to indicate that the Billing Address is the same as the Mailing Address. The field will stay hidden/rolled up and the Mailing Address will be used for both fields. Otherwise, the Billing Address can be completed as usual/like any other address field by typing in the address.
- An address is added to the Billing Address block via online forms (event registration, membership form, online donation, the user's public profile, etc.) when the user fills out the Billing Address field in the online form or when the user clicks the "Same as Home Address" checkbox on the online form.
- If the user clicks the "Same as Home Address" checkbox in the online form, the Home Address (regardless of whether or not it is a mailing address) gets copied to the Billing Address block as static data (not tied to the Home or Mailing Address block).
- When the Billing Address is added to the contact's record in this way (from an online form), the "Same as Mailing Address" box will not be checked, as the Home Address in the online form may or may not be the Mailing Address. In these instances, when you see that the Mailing and Billing addresses are the same, you should manually check the Same as Mailing Address box so that you will only have to update the address in one place/block, instead of both, if it changes.
- Seasonal Address - this address is the one (if any) that the contact uses seasonally.
- Examples of times you might use this field are for a summer/winter address or the address used while they attend college during the school year versus their permanent home address.
- Use the From Date and To Date fields to indicate when this address is the active mailing address. The system assumes the season dates are used year after year/occur the same time each year so the date fields only allow entry of month and day (no year).
- Temporary Address - this address is the one (if any) that the contact will be using temporarily as their mailing address.
- Examples of times you might use this field are during short-term detainment or incarceration, long-term business trips/short-term relocation, short-term foster care, etc.
- Use the From Date and To Date fields to indicate when this address is the active mailing address.
- Other Address - this block is used for addresses that are not any of the above address block types (mailing, billing, seasonal, or temporary address), including a work or home address that is not the mailing address.
- Examples of uses for the Other Address block include: for the home or work address when this address/these addresses are not the mailing address
- To store old/archived addresses (you may want to keep a record of the old/bad address so that no staff accidentally re-add it to the mailing address field. In this case, you might set Address Line 1 or 2 to "OLD ADDRESS - DO NOT USE" and then put the rest of the address in the appropriate fields so that you have a record of it).
- You can have up to 10 Other Addresses. Click the + button underneath the last Other Address block to add a new/blank Other Address block.
- Click the X in the upper right hand corner of any empty Other Address blocks numbered 2 or higher (to get rid of extra Other Address blocks).
- The Other Address block can be categorized as the home address, work address, or left uncategorized (neither home nor work).
- The address in the Other Address block can be swapped for the address in the Mailing Address block using the swap button.
- Mailing Address - this is the address at which the contact wishes to receive mailed/hard copy communications.
- Addresses can be added to contact records in several different ways:
- By direct/manual input - a staff member opens the record in edit mode and enters the address manually
- Via import - using the import utility for Individual and Organizational Contacts, Gifts, and/or Auction Purchases, addresses can be inputted and updated into contact records.
- Via online forms - if users complete an online transaction, the purchaser/"registrant" must provide their Billing Address. They optionally have the ability to provide their Home address and to set this Home Address as a Mailing Address.
- Via online forms part 2 - Home Mailing Address, Billing Address, and/or Home Other Address will be inputted and updated by users completing online event attendee registration forms and/or membership forms.
- Via online public profile - Home Mailing Address, Billing Address, and/or Home Other Address will be inputted and updated by users creating a public profile/user log-in to your website and/or updating their public profile online.
- Via Fundly Connect Sync
- Via Fundly Pro Sync
- When direct adding (inputting an address directly into a contact record) adding a new address, Address Line 1 and Zip Code are required. Both of those fields MUST be completed to save ANY address information.
- Please Note: Only zip code is required when importing addresses. You can therefore, have addresses that were imported that contain only the zip code and no other information. But information that is entered directly into the system will require Address Line 1 and Zip Code.
- For online forms, any fields being used by your duplicate prevention settings will also be required (if you are using City and State in duplicate prevention, for example, then those fields will become required, if added to the online form for donations, event registrations, memberships, etc.).
- If the Country field is set to USA, then you will only have fields for Address Line 1 and Address Line 2. If the Country field is set to a country other than the U.S., then Address Line 3 and Address Line 4 will also show.
- To add a new address:
- If this is a work address (being added to the Mailing Address or Other Address block), you MUST start by selecting Work from the work/home drop down (if you type the address in first and then select Work, the address you typed will be erased). A box will pop up offering you work addresses associated to the contact's employer(s) on record. See this tutorial for more information on adding a Work Address. To enter a static work address (not tied to the Work Info tab/not tied to an organizational contact record), simply add the address but do not categorize it as work/leave it uncategorized.
- Please Note: The Work address can be added on the Personal Info tab, but it can also be added to the Mailing Address or Other Address block from the contact's Work Info tab or from the employer's Employee Info tab (to the employee's Mailing Address or Other Address field). If the contact is the Primary Contact for an Organization, then the Work Address can be added to the contact's Mailing Address or Other Address block from the organization's Organization Info tab. See our "Add Work Info" and "Add Employee Info" tutorials for more information.
- Please Note: The Work address can be added on the Personal Info tab, but it can also be added to the Mailing Address or Other Address block from the contact's Work Info tab or from the employer's Employee Info tab (to the employee's Mailing Address or Other Address field). If the contact is the Primary Contact for an Organization, then the Work Address can be added to the contact's Mailing Address or Other Address block from the organization's Organization Info tab. See our "Add Work Info" and "Add Employee Info" tutorials for more information.
- If this is a Billing Address, and there is already a Mailing Address on the record and the Billing Address and the Mailing Address are the same, simply check the Same as Mailing Address check box. Otherwise, follow the steps below.
- For non-work addresses, start by adding the street address to the Address Line 1 and/or Address Line 2 fields.
- Next, enter the Zip Code
- The City, State, and County will populate from the Zip Code.
- You may have to select the City from the list of matching drop down options if more than one town/city uses shares a zip code.
- If this address is in the Mailing Address or Other Address block and is a Home address:
- Select Home from the Work/Home drop down. If you don't know if the address is a work or home address or is neither a work nor home address, leave the Work/Home drop down unselected.
- Any address categorized as "home" on the home/work address drop down will be shared with all household members. For more information on address sharing among household members, please see our tutorial on Householding and Shared Communications and also the tutorial on Split Households.
- There can only be one addresses on the record categorized as the Home address.
- If this is a Seasonal Address or Temporary Address, add the dates (if known) that this address is in effect/the dates the person will be staying at this address. If not known, you can leave the dates blank.
- When you are done, click the blue Save button in the lower right hand corner to save your changes.
- If this is a work address (being added to the Mailing Address or Other Address block), you MUST start by selecting Work from the work/home drop down (if you type the address in first and then select Work, the address you typed will be erased). A box will pop up offering you work addresses associated to the contact's employer(s) on record. See this tutorial for more information on adding a Work Address. To enter a static work address (not tied to the Work Info tab/not tied to an organizational contact record), simply add the address but do not categorize it as work/leave it uncategorized.
- To Delete an address, click the black X in the upper right hand corner of that address block. Keep in mind, if this is a home address shared with other members of the household, deleting the address from one contact record will delete the address from the the record's that share that address (if you are deleting the address because one or more people are leaving the household, follow our tutorial for splitting a household instead. During that process you can pick which person keeps the home address instead of erasing it from everyone's record).
- To Update an Address:
- For Billing Address:
- If the "Same as Mailing Address" checkbox is checked and the new billing is same as the mailing, then update the mailing address and the billing address will automatically update.
- If the "Same as Mailing Address" checkbox is checked but the new billing address is not the same as the mailing address, then uncheck the checkbox. The Billing Address fields will become available for editing and you can add a new Billing Address not tied to the Mailing Address.
- For Mailing and Other Address fields:
- See table below
- For any Mailing Address that will be erased during the update/edit: if you want to save the address, move it to an Other Address block first and then update the Mailing Address OR make the edit/update to an Other Address block first and then use the Swap function to move the new address to the Mailing Address block and the old Mailing Address to the Other Block.
- For Billing Address:
Update Action |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Unselected |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Work |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Home |
Click Change Button Next to Work Address |
Add Contact to a Household and Share This Address to the Other Person’s Record |
Add Contact to a Household and Share the Other Person’s Address to this Record |
Blank Mailing Address |
Address is already unselected. No change. |
Add Work Address pop up window appears. Complete the steps to add the work address. |
Type new address in the address fields and save. The address will be saved as the Home address. |
N/A Change button only applies to Work Address. |
No address to share. Nothing happens. |
The other person’s Home address is adding to this person’s mailing address field and set to a Home address. |
Update Action |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Unselected |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Work |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Home |
Click Change Button Next to Work Address |
Add Contact to a Household and Share This Address to the Other Person’s Record |
Add Contact to a Household and Share the Other Person’s Address to this Record |
Uncategorized Mailing Address |
Address is already unselected. No change. |
This address is erased. If you proceed, the add Work Address pop up window appears. Complete the steps to add the work address.* |
Address is now categorized as Home. Be sure to save the record to make the change permanent. |
N/A Change button only applies to Work Address. |
Only Home address can be shared. Can’t share this address to the other person’s record. |
This address is left in the Mailing Address block but changed to uncategorized. The other person’s Home address is added to the Other Address block and set to Home address. |
*If you want to save the uncategorized mailing address rather than erase it, add the Work address to an Other Address block then use the Swap button to move the uncategorized mailing address to the Other Address field and vice versa.
Update Action |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Unselected |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Work |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Home |
Click Change Button Next to Work Address |
Add Contact to a Household and Share This Address to the Other Person’s Record |
Add Contact to a Household and Share the Other Person’s Address to this Record |
Mailing Address - Home |
This address will be moved to the Other Address block and changed to Uncategorized. A pop up window will appear warning you of this action. If you proceed, the Mailing Address field will be left as blank (and you can add a different Mailing Address). |
This address will be moved to the Other Address field and kept as Home address. Pop up validation appears, asking you to confirm. After confirming, the Add Work Address pop up window appears. Complete the steps to add the work address. |
N/A Already categorized as Home Address |
N/A Change button only applies to Work Address.
No change on Person 1’s record. This address is added to Person 2’s record as follows: Overwrites Person 2's current home if one is present in Maling Address or Other Address field. If no Home address on Person 2's Record: To the Mailing Address field, if Person 2’s Mailing Address is blank (and sets address to Home). To the Other Address block (and set to the Home address) if Person 2 has an uncategorized Mailing Address or Mailing Address set to "Work." |
This address is erased and replaced with the Other Person's Home Address. |
Update Action |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Unselected |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Work |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Home |
Click Change Button Next to Work Address |
Add Contact to a Household and Share This Address to the Other Person’s Record |
Add Contact to a Household and Share the Other Person’s Address to this Record |
Other Address - Home |
Nothing happens – you cannot change the Home/Work drop down for Other Address fields.
Nothing happens – you cannot change the Home/Work drop down for Other Address fields.
N/A Already categorized as Home Address |
N/A Change button only applies to Work Address.
Same as above / Same as Home Mailing Address |
This address is erased / overwritten by Person 2's Home Address. If this person’s Mailing Address field is blank or uncategorized, Person 2’s Home address is added to this person's Mailing Address block and set to Home Address (and this Person's Home Address in the Other Address block gets deleted). Otherwise the Home Address is saved to Other Address. |
*If you want to change a Home address to uncategorized, move it to the Mailing Address block, uncategorize it, and then move it back to the Other Address block.
**If you want to delete the Home address, click the black X in the upper right hand corner of the address block.
***If you want to add a work address, then go to a blank Other Address or blank Mailing Address block and add the work address. If you want to change an address incorrectly categorized as Home to Work, then either a) delete the address and re-add by setting Work/Home drop down to Work first, or b) use the Swap button to move the address to the Mailing Address field, change the Home/Work drop down to Work, and then use the Swap button to set it back to the Other Address block.
Update Action |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Unselected |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Work |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Home |
Click Change Button Next to Work Address |
Add Contact to a Household and Share This Address to the Other Person’s Record |
Add Contact to a Household and Share the Other Person’s Address to this Record |
Mailing Address - Work |
This address will be moved to the Other Address block, but still be categorized as Work address. A pop up window will appear warning you of this action. If you proceed, the Mailing Address field will be left as blank (and you can add a different Mailing Address).
This is already set to Work address. No change.* |
This address will be moved to the Other Address block, but still be categorized as Work address. A pop up window will appear warning you of this action. If you proceed, the Mailing Address field will be left as blank (and you can add a new Mailing Address).** |
Brings up the Add Work Address Pop Up. Current work address is removed from the record. New address selected replaces it.
Work Address can’t be shared. Nothing happens. |
This address is left where it is and left as a work address. Person 2’s Home Address is added to Person 1’s Other Address field and set as a Home address. |
*If you want to add a different work address, click the Change button to the right of the Home/Work drop down. Changes made this way will over-write the existing Work address. If you want to add an additional work address, add it to the Other Address block. If you want to edit the work address, edit the address on the organizational contact record.
**Alternatively, if you want to set the Home Address as the Mailing Address, add the Home address to the Other Address block ad use the “swap” button to swap the Mailing and Other Addresses.
Update Action |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Unselected |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Work |
Change Home / Work Drop Down to Home |
Click Change Button Next to Work Address |
Add Contact to a Household and Share This Address to the Other Person’s Record |
Add Contact to a Household and Share the Other Person’s Address to this Record |
Other Address - Work |
Nothing happens – you cannot change the Home/Work drop down if it’s set to Work.*
This address is already set to the work address. Nothing happens as you cannot change the Home/Work drop down if it’s set to Work. |
Nothing happens – you cannot change the Home/Work drop down if it’s set to Work. Add the Home Address to an Other Address block or to the Mailing Address block.** |
Brings up the Add Work Address Pop Up. Current work address is removed from the record. New address selected replaces it.
Work Address can’t be shared. Nothing happens. |
No change/nothing happens. |
*To save this address as uncategorized, you will have to manually retype it into a blank Other Address block.
**If you want to set the Home Address as the Mailing Address, use the “swap” button to swap the Mailing and Other Addresses
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