Employer Matching Gifts Part 2 - Managing Employer Matching Gifts
- Once the 360MatchPro integration is turned on (see the Part 1 tutorial for instructions on how to turn on the integration), all donations entered directly into CRM through your public website, the e-appeals module, or direct staff entry into the system will be sent to 360MatchPro - no double data entry required. All imported donation data (via import utility or migration by CRM staff) will NOT be sent to 360MatchPro.
- In general, the flow for the 360MatchPro integration is as follows:
- A donation is entered in CRM
- That donation is sent to the 360MatchPro database and appears on your 360MatchPro dashboard in real time (may take up to 30 minutes to appear/sync).
- The donor is sent an automated email from 360MatchPro (if you have automated emails enabled in your 360MatchPro account) to start the process of submitting an employer matching gift claim/request if the donor works for an eligible or unknown employer (if the donor works for a company flagged in the 360MatchPro database as not having a matching gifts program, then no email is sent to the donor) (you may also trigger a manual email to the donor if you do not use 360MatchPro's automated emails).
- The donor indicates (by clicking a button in the email) if the gift is eligible for a matching gift and accesses the employer's matching gifts claim forms and completes the top part. The donor then submits the form to you/your staff to complete the second part of the form. You then submit the form to the employer.
- Alternatively, instead of the donor starting the process, you can access the matching gift claim form directly and submit it to the employer from within 360MatchPro.
- Your 360MatchPro database updates the status of the request (waiting on donor, submitted, pending payment, completed/closed, etc.) automatically based on responses from the donor (clicking links in the email they are sent). You can also manually update the status of each request.
- The status of the matching gift updates from 360MatchPro to CRM overnight and shows on the gift index screen.
- When you receive a matching gift from the employer, enter it into your CRM as a regular donation. If you want to track in CRM that a donation was the result of a matching gifts program, you can enter this into the Notes field on the Add Gift screen or you may wish to add a field to the Gifts Additional Information Custom Data to track this. There is nothing in the CRM system that automatically ties two donations together as an employer matching gift.
- To get started, enter a donation into CRM as normal.
- To minimize data entry errors around employer name (the 360MatchPro system is based on their list of companies offering a matching gift program), when entering a new Organizational Contact record into CRM, start typing the name and you will be presented with a list of organization names to select from. This list of matching organization names is pulled from 360MatchPro. You are not limited to selecting from this list (you can add organizations not on this list simply by typing the name in the Organization Name field and saving).
- Donations entered via your website will also trigger the matching gifts process. On the checkout page, the donor will have the option to search for their employer/organization to see if their donation is eligible for a matching gift via an embedded 360MatchPro employer search widget.
- If the employer/organization is found on the list of eligible organizations supplied by 360MatchPro, the employer name is added to the checkout page (the employer will also be added to the donor's Work Info tab in their CRM record.
- Please note: even donations entered via the website that do not have the employer information filled out will sync to 360MatchPro. They will simply be missing the employer information.
- Please note: if a donor has more than one employer on their Work Info, the system will only sync one employer based on the following hierarchy/order:
- Employer that has a 360MatchPro ID (a 360MatchPro approved employer)
- Employer where the donor/contact is the org primary contact
- Employer most recently associated to the contact (newest employment relationship)
- After a donation is entered into CRM via direct/staff entry or via your website, log into your 360MatchPro account. In a few minutes (may take up to 30 minutes), you will see the donation on your 360MatchPro dashboard.
- In addition, an email will be sent to the donor from 360MatchPro to start the matching gifts process (if their email address has been entered into CRM and you have automated emails in 360MatchPro enabled) (Note: please be aware that the sync of donation data to 360MatchPro from CRM is a ONE TIME sync. Any updates to the donation or donor info (email address, work info/employer, etc.) in CRM will NOT update in 360MatchPro. Any updates - such as adding email address or employer - must also be done manually in 360MatchPro).
- Below is a brief overview of the process from this point onward. This part of the process is handled exclusively by 360MatchPro and you should refer to 360MatchPro tutorials/documentation for more detailed information on how to use 360MatchPro and direct any questions on anything within 360MatchPro to 360MatchPro support.
- If the donor is associated (via their Work Info in CRM) to a 360MatchPro approved employer (an organization is in their database as having a matching gifts program):
- The 360MatchPro status will be "Waiting for Donor."
- The donor is sent the Automated - Match Eligible automatic email from 360MatchPro (if you have enabled this automated email).
- Donor can click "Start the Match Process" link to access the employer's matching gift request form.
- Once the donor submits the form to the employer, they should click the "I've submitted my matching gift request" link in the email. The status in 360MatchPro will update (in real time) to Match Submitted. The matching gift status in CRM will update overnight.
- Alternatively, you can access and submit the employer matching gift guidelines and matching gift form yourself (instead of having the donor initiate the process) by clicking on the employer's name from within 360MatchPro OR by clicking Portal Logins from the menu on the left in 360MatchPro to access the forms.
- You can also access the employer's guidelines and matching gift forms by clicking Portal Login from the left hand menu within 360MatchPro.
- If you submit the form yourself, you can manually click on the status in 360MatchPro and change it to Match Submitted (select the status from the drop down and then click Update).
- The 360MatchPro status will be "Waiting for Donor."
- If the donor is associated to an employer (via their Work Info in CRM) not in 360MatchPro/with unknown eligibility or to no employer at all:
- The 360MatchPro status will be "Unknown Employer." The donor is sent the Automated - Unknown Eligibility automatic email (if you have enabled the automated email).
- Donor can click "See If I'm Eligible" in the email to be taken to the 360MatchPro employer search page.
- Alternatively, if you know the company is ineligible, you can mark them as ineligible in 360MatchPro (so that no emails will be generated to any donors associated to this company in the future) by clicking Settings: Company Exclusions on the left in 360MatchPro.
- If the donor is associated to an employer (via their Work Info in CRM) that is marked in 360MatchPro as being not eligible (doesn't offer a matching gifts program):
- The 360MatchPro status will be "Ineligible." The donor is sent the Automated - Likely Ineligible automatic email (if you have enabled the automated email in 360MatchPro).
- Donor can click the I'm not eligible for a matching gift button in their email to confirm they are not eligible.
- Alternatively, if you know that the donation IS eligible for a matching gift/the employer offers matching gifts even when 360MatchPro says that the company doesn't offer matching gifts, you can click on the status in 360MatchPro and manually change it.
- You can also go to the 360MatchPro employer search page (Settings Overview from the menu on the left) and follow the instructions there for contacting their source database (Double the Donation) to update the company's eligibility information.
- If the donor is associated (via their Work Info in CRM) to a 360MatchPro approved employer (an organization is in their database as having a matching gifts program):
- In all instances above, the 360MatchPro status will show in CRM on the donation on the Gifts Index Page and on the donation in View All screen on View Contact: Gifts widget. These are the only places in CRM where you can see the employer matching gift status. Please Note: In CRM, the matching gift status will update OVERNIGHT to reflect the status in 360MatchPro.
- If your donor didn't receive the automated 360MatchPro email or if you turned off automated emails, you can trigger a manual email from 360MatchPro by clicking on the donor's email address inside the system. For further assistance regarding emails being sent from 360MatchPro, please contact 360MatchPro support.
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