Donations: Add In-Kind Gift
- This tutorial will cover the step for recording in-kind gifts. In-Kind gifts are non-monetary donations - tax-deductible gifts of goods and services.
- One major difference between entering a cash gift and an in-kind gift in CRM is that no invoice/financial transaction is created in the system for an in-kind gift (as no money has changed hands). You will not be able to find In-Kind gifts in the Invoices area or on the Financials screen. However, you will be able to see them on the contact record and on the Gifts Index screen and you will be able to generate a donation acknowledgment letter for In-Kind Gifts, and In-Kind Gifts are included in Year End Thank You letters.
- To get started, click on Add New on the Main Menu to open the quick add sub-menu and then select Add In-Kind gift OR view the donor's contact record, click on Giving Details, and then click Add In-Kind Gift OR from the Gifts Index Screen (Main Menu: Fundraising: Gifts) click the blue Add In-Kind Gift button in the lower right. There is no difference in which option you choose. All will take you to the same screen.
- All of these options will take you to the Add In-Kind Gifts screen.
- Start by entering the donor name in the Contact Name field (if the person is not already in your system, you can add them "on the fly" by typing the name and hitting enter. The system will bring up a pop up box asking if you want to create and individual or organization contact record and then will bring up the quick add contact box. Enter whatever information you know about the contact and then click Save to return to your in progress donation entry).
- Gift Date, Fund, and Source are required fields (Source will pre-populate with "In Person" to help save you time). Program, Campaign, and Event are optional fields.
- In the Solicited By field, select the name of a contact (perhaps a staff member, board member, or fundraising committee member) who asked the donor for the donation. If the "solicited by" contact is not already in your system, you can add them "on the fly" by typing the name and hitting enter.
- In the Value field, enter the item's Fair Market Value (generally, this is supplied by the donor when they make the donation or complete your In-Kind donation receipt form). This is a required field. If you are entering an auction item, leave the Value field blank. This will be auto fill from the Auction section of the screen (see our tutorial on recording donation of auction items for more information).
- In the Description field, enter a brief description of the item (such as "Pair of Red Sox Tickets" or "Spa Weekend Gift Basket"). This description field is what will be pulled into the In-Kind Gift description placeholder in donation acknowledgement letters so you want to make sure it is spelled and punctuated properly. This field is required.
- The Tribute section allows you to indicate someone whom the donor has asked that their donation be made On Behalf Of, In Memory Of, or In Honor Of.
- Select which type of tribute gift this is, if any (if this is not a tribute gift, select none and skip to step #21).
- If the contact exists within your system (or you wish to add the contact to your system as a contact record), use the Contact Name field to select them. Begin by typing the name into the field and then select from the matching names.
- If the contact does not exist in your system and you do not wish to add them as a contact record, simply type the tributee's into the Name field.
- In the Acknowledgement field at the top of the screen, select whether you wish to send the Donation Acknowledgment Letter to the donor(s) Later, Now, or never (Skip). Even if you skip the donation acknowledgement letter now, you will be able to generate it later by selecting it in the generate acknowledgement area and using the "Change Template" function to assign a letter template. See our tutorial on working with donation acknowledgement letters for more information.
- In the Assign Soft Credit field, you may select any other contacts (both individuals and organizations) who should receive soft credit for this donation. This field is optional.
- A Soft Credit donor is a contact whom you wish to acknowledge along with the primary donor as a contributor to your organization, but whom cannot receive tax credit for the gift or who is not the primary donor. This could be a spouse or partner, or, in the case of an organizational donation, the person at the organization who approved the donation.
- Select the name of the soft credit donor you wish to add (either by selecting household members or choosing anyone in your system by typing their name into the Choose Contact field) and click the (+) button to add them (if you select a household member, check the box next to their name in the drop down AND CLICK THE PLUS BUTTON TO ADD THEM; CHECKING THE BOX IS NOT ENOUGH). More than one soft credit donor can be added.
- If you wish to record a note along with the donation, do so in the Gift Memo field on the right. This field is optional.
- If you have a file you wish to attach to the donation - such as an image of the check or a copy of the letter that accompanied the donation, you may do so using the File Upload area. This field is optional.
- If this in-kind donation will be auctioned/raffled off, you can indicate this in the Auction Items area. This section is optional. See this tutorial for how to fill out the Auction Item fields/how to record the donation of an auction item.
- The Gift Additional Information section is a Custom Data Set. You can create your own fields to capture additional data that there is no other place for here. Add the fields by going to Main Menu: Custom Data Sets and editing the Gifts Additional Information custom data set. Examples of fields you might create are "fiscal agent" (for tracking fiscal agent/entity that wrote a donation check for a third party but which is not the donor or someone who should receive an acknowledgement (such as Network for Good or United Way Employee Giving Program)), fields for employer matching gifts, and/or a field for "solicitation method" if you want to track responses to a particular appeal (such as a Facebook ad or your fall newsletter, etc.). The fields you see below are ones that we created in our demo system and do not exist in your system.
- Finally, when you are done, click Save and Close to save and close the Add In-Kind Gift screen. Select Save and Add New to add another in-kind donation (if you have selected to send Acknowledgements Now you'll first be taken to the donation acknowledgment letter to send it and then as soon as you finish sending the letter, you'll be brought back to a new/blank Add Gift screen). Or select Save to save the donation and stay on this screen.
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