Basic Reporting Part VII FAQ: How to Format Phone Numbers in a Report
By default, phone numbers appear as an unformatted string in reports.
Using the “Format Phone” function, users can have the phone numbers automatically formatted as XXX XXX-XXXX.
1. When creating or editing a report, add a phone number field to the report.
2. Click in the cell (so that it is highlighted/blue) then click on first tool of Cell Contents Tool bar tool bar then click Formula (fx) to open the function/formula editor dialog box.
3. In the Formula Editor, click the drop down next to the "other" category
4. Select the "Format Phone" function and drag it to the formula editor area at the bottom (drag it before the Phone Number field)
5. Add “’USA’) so that the formula appears as it does in the picture.
6. Click “OK” to save the formula. Now the field on the report should have the formula in the cell.
7. Save your report. Now, when you run the report, the phone number field will be formatted as (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
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