Tasks & Interactions: Using the Task List
- CRM comes with a fully integrated Task/“To Do” List
- The Task List is accessible by clicking the red box in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. The number on this box/button is the number of tasks/interactions in the Task List based on the currently applied filters (Note: see #3 below for an important note about task list filters).
- Clicking the red Task List button will open up the Task List. In the left-hand panel, you will see a list of tasks and interactions based on the filters that have been applied to the task list. Please note: The system does “hold” filters – that is, it retains the last set of filters that were entered, so that when you open the task list, it may already be filtered based on previously entered filters. The number of tasks in the list that displays on the red task list box corresponds to the number items in the list based on the filters that have been applied.
- You can filter the Task List using the filters at the top of the screen. Filter by contact name, status, contact type, due date (duration), priority, user that the item is assigned to, and/or whether or not it’s related to a grant application.
- Clicking on an item in the left-hand pane will open the item in the details window (the right hand pane) so that you can see the details of the item, including due date, priority, who it is assigned to, and any notes.
- To add a note to a task/interaction, simply type your comments into the Note field and then click the "+" button to add the note.
- If you wish to edit a task/interaction, click on the pencil icon next to the item either from the left hand pane or the right hand pane. This will open up the Add/Edit Task/Interaction box.
- To delete a task/interaction, simply click the trash can icon next to the item in either the left hand or right hand pane.
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