New Release News 2020.3.1 - September 16, 2020
Great New Things For NonProfitEasy!
Our Best New Features for You!
Today, we have released several new features for our CRM (v2) that we think you're going to really enjoy.
CRM Changes:
- View Sent Attachments
- Upgrade/Downgrade Membership Online (Pages)
- Online Membership Pop Up Reminder (Pages and Plug-Ins)
- Miscellaneous Online Wording Tweaks
- Move Images Between Folders
- Billing Address on Forms
- Communications Text / Tool Tips
Read on for all the details! And after you've checked out all the new features, drop us a line at to let us know what you think! (if images are not displaying correctly in this email, you can find a copy of this newsletter in the Newsletter section of our CRM v2 Support Library) |
View Sent Attachments |
You've been requesting this one for a while - and finally it's here!
When you send Donation Acknowledgements/Thank You Letters via email from within our system, the letter is sent as a PDF attachment to the email (that is, the "fancy" thank you letter is not sent in the body of the email, but, instead, as a PDF attachment).
Previously, there was no place in the system to view the attachment that was sent (that is, the specific letter text/content sent). Now you can! On the contact's Engagement History, if you click the magnifying glass next to the thank you letter, you will see a link at the top of the resulting pop up window that will allow you to open/see the attachment.
Upgrade / Downgrade Membership Online (Pages) |
Previously, while our WordPress Plug-In for Membership allowed members to upgrade/downgrade ("change") their membership level online via the Quick Renew/Change option (that is, as a guest/without first logging in to their public profile), Pages only had the option to log-in first (and then complete the upgrade/downgrade from their public profile). Now, we have add a "quick change"/guest checkout option for online upgrade/downgrade to Pages as well.
When your website visitors go to the Membership Index page, they will see the Quick Renew/Change fields (in Pages, this is on the left hand side of the screen. In WordPress Plug-Ins, this is at the top of the screen). Once the member inputs their name and email address or membership number, on the resulting list of existing memberships for that contact, the member will have the option to either renew or change. Clicking change will take them into the process to upgrade or downgrade their membership. As always, you still have the option to manually upgrade/downgrade memberships (as well as renew) from the back end/directly from inside our CRM as well.
Miscellaneous Online Wording Tweaks |
While we're talking about online transactions, there are a couple of other tweaks we made to online Pages:
- Previously, for recurring events, when tickets were sold out the "quantity" field online would not be available but there was no other indicator that the event was sold out/that was why users could not proceed. Now, the page will show "sold out" (the system already showed "sold out" for single day events and single events with multiple dates [classes]; it was just recurring events online that didn't show as sold out).
- Some clients reported that the online wording of "Send Benefits"/"Do Not Send Benefits" for membership purchases/renewals was confusing as their members were interpreting "send" literally (as in, they thought the benefits would be mailed). We've changed the wording for both Pages and Plug-Ins to be the same as the back end - "waive benefits / do not waive benefits"
Move Images Between Folders |
When accessing the image library, users have always had the ability to create multiple folders to store images but had no easy way to move images between folders. Now you can - in the upper right corner of the screen, you'll see a button to "Move Image(s)." Click the button, select the image(s) you want to move, then select the destination folder from the drop down. Easy peasy!
Billing Address on Forms |
Small but mighty - we've added the ability to set Billing Address as required when adding it to event registration and membership forms.
Communications Tips/Text Changes |
And last but not least, two small label/textual changes:
- When a user sends a donation acknowledgement letter via email and that email bounces/is undeliverable, the donation acknowledgement is moved to the "Skipped" queue on the Send Acknowledgements screen. We've added a note to the top of the Send Acknowledgements screen to let users know this (as users were sometimes confused as to why an acknowledgement they know they sent showed up in the skipped queue).

- e-Appeal emails cannot be forwarded as the emails contain tracking cookies (which is what is used to pre-fill the donors info on the one-click donation screen) (subsequent recipients' donations are recorded under the original recipient's name and credit card when a forwarded email is used to make a donation). We've hard-coded text into the footer area of the three default e-Appeal templates to let your recipients know not to forward the email to others (by the way, annual appeal season is upon us - if you aren't familiar with our e-Appeal module, now is a good time to check it out. It's free/no additional charge, already part of your system, and a powerful tool for easy, one-click donations and customized donation asks).
We are committed to ensuring a great user experience with our products and services and are continually striving to ensure our products meet the evolving needs of our customers. As always, we offer a variety of support options, including a tutorial library, daily webinars (, live help drop in sessions, and email support (
If you'd like to suggest a webinar or training topic, submit it at (there's a link at the top of the page).
If you enjoy our CRM, please consider leaving a review on To leave us a review CLICK HERE.
If you would also allow us to post a quote from you along with a headshot on our website, please contact us at
Copyright © 2020 Fundly LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email communication as a valued opt-in CRM user.
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