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Great New Things From Fundly CRM! |
Our Best New Features for You! CRM:
Read on for all the details! And after you've checked out all the new features, drop us a line at support@fundly.com to let us know what you think! (if images are not displaying correctly in this email, you can find a copy of this newsletter in our Connect and CRM v2 Support Libraries) |
With the release of a new build, users may experience some irregularities in their CRM or Connect account such as the appearance of strange code, blank screens/modules, lack of word wrapping, etc. These issues are related to the need to clear your browser cache and/or to log out and back in to the system in order to get the new updates. If you continue to experience difficulties after clearing your cache and re-logging in, please email us at support@fundly.com.
![]() We are super excited to announce the addition of functionality to track auction item donations and to record auction item purchases. Now, when adding an in-kind donation, you will see the option to mark it as an auction item. ![]() Simply hit the "+" button and fill out the fields. You can track pledged (but not yet delivered items) using the pledge quantity field as well as items "in hand" (quantity field). ![]() On the Main Menu, you can create an exportable list of your auction items received on the new Auctions index screen (under Fundraising on the Main Menu). ![]() Here, you can filter your list by item or event and use the Export button to export the list to Excel (which can then be used to import to an auction management system). ![]() Management of bidding and payment is managed through a third-party auction management system, such as HandBid (recommended). After your auction, you can export the data on auction item purchases from your auction management system and then import it into your CRM via the import utility. ![]() The "Auction Import" option will allow you to import purchaser name, email, and mailing address as well as the details of the item purchased - item name, fair market value, quantity purchases, total amount paid, and payment details. We have provided an auction import template to make things even easier! ![]() The Auction Purchase information will show up on the contact's record on the Financials Tab and also on the Invoices Module/Window. ![]() ![]() Any amount paid by the purchaser above the item's fair market value is considered a tax-deductible donation. This will show as a split transaction on the contact's Financials tab and Invoices module. ![]() ![]() In addition, the donation portion of the transaction will show on the contact's Donations tab and on the contact's Engagement History. ![]() ![]() We've added a new placeholder to Donation Acknowledgement Templates as well. Now, under In-Kind Gifts you will see an Auction Items placeholder, which provides the details of a donated auction item. ![]() In addition, you will now find two new default reports related to auctions in default reports. ![]() A full tutorial on using the new Auction Items module will be added to the support library later this week! |
![]() We've added even more options and flexibility with Duplicate Prevention settings! For individuals, we've made two significant changes: the system will now use all email addresses (not just primary) in duplicate prevention and we've added an "and/or" option for email and mailing address. Previously, the system only considered the email address marked as primary for duplicate prevention (in evaluating whether a new record entered directly or via online, import, or Fundly Connect sync matches an existing record/is a duplicate). Now, the system will evaluate all email addresses on file (when you choose the email field as one of your duplicate prevention settings). In addition, we've introduce the option to allow you to set the system so that it checks if email OR address match, rather than email AND address matching. Sometimes, it is the case that some of your contacts have email addresses and some have mailing addresses but not both. Finding a good combination of duplicate prevention fields can be challenging in this case, because if you choose first and last name and email address and someone doesn't have an email, they don't get flagged as a duplicate and same with with mailing address. Now you can tell the system, "If they have the same first and last name and also the same email address OR the same mailing address, consider them a duplicate." ![]() For Organizations, we've added the ability to use both Organization Name and any part of the mailing address in duplicate prevention. ![]() We've also added a "Review Settings" button that explains further how duplicate prevention works and shows you the impact of the selections you have chosen. ![]() ![]() PLEASE: DO NOT CHANGE YOUR DUPLICATE PREVENTION SETTINGS WITHOUT ENSURING YOU UNDERSTAND HOW DUPLICATE PREVENTION WORKS. You can accidentally merge together unrelated records and end up losing data. If you have ANY questions about how duplicate prevention works or what it does, please contact us prior to making any changes. In general, you should not be changing your duplicate prevention settings often. Once you find the optimal balance for catching the majority of duplicate records, you should leave these settings alone.You can learn more about duplicate prevention as part of the "Keeping Your Data Clean and Organized" webinar on December 19th. Visit fundlyevent.com to register. We've also added a history button, that will show you the history of who on your staff has changed the duplicate prevention settings and when they were changed. This can be helpful in understanding what your duplicate prevention settings were at the time a particular duplicate record was created (or why Connect/Import/Online Entry updated/synced to an existing record instead of making a new one) so that you can see why that record might have been created. ![]() ![]() |
![]() We've introduced a couple of important changes (that you are going to like!) to the import utility. These changes apply to imports of contacts, donations, and auctions. The first change is that now, within the import utility, you can set the duplicate prevention settings for the import directly within the batch creation. These duplicate prevention settings override your global settings (on Manage Duplicates) just for this batch. This means you don't have to temporarily change your global settings to accomadate your import data (e.g. if your global settings are first name, last name, and email address and your import batch doesn't have email addresses, to avoid creating duplicates, previously you would have to turn off email as part of your global duplicate prevention settings, import the batch, then turn back on email in your global duplicate prevention settings - a rather tedious and annoying process). Now, instead, you can set duplicate prevention settings just for the batch and import the data without changing your global settings. Cool beans! ![]() In addition, duplicate prevention now works intra-import batch. What this means is that even if you have names duplicated on your contact import spreadsheet, the system will find and merge those duplicates (previously, the system could not check for duplicates inside your spreadsheet/batch; instead, it could only check the names in the spreadsheet against the existing records in your CRM). We'll be updating the import utility tutorial in the support library to reflect these changes this coming week. In addition, we will have a New Release webinar on Wednesday, December 20th at 11:00 am PST in which we'll review all the changes made during this release. Register at Fundlyevent.com |
![]() For repeating "single event with multiple dates" type events - such as classes - that are one event with multiple dates, there was no way to register someone "mid session." That is, even if someone started during the second week of the class/event, they were shown as registering/being present for every date of the class. There was no way to indicate that someone missed the first X number of classes because they were not yet part of the class. Instead, users had to simply mark the person as absent, which was not quite accurate and could cause complications with reporting. Now, however, we have introduced the ability to select the attendee's start date when registering someone for a repeating "single event with multiple dates" type events. When setting up the event, you will have two new select options: should all attendees be registered from the first day of the event or be allowed to register mid-sessions. ![]() If you opt to allow participants to register mid-session, then on the registration screen, you will see a new drop down field for "start date of attending" - use this to select the first day the participant will attend the class/event. ![]() ![]() |
![]() We've made some updates to Year End Thank You Letters and Letters so that now both types of communications can be sent via email or mail regardless of the type of template (print-optimized or email-optimized) that you use. In addition, previously print letters would be generated for a contact even if they didn't have a mailing address and users could not update the mailing address from inside the generate batch screen. These issues have been resolved. If you experience any irregularities with Letters or with Year End Thank Yous (inability to toggle between print and email send modes, print letters generating in multiple files instead of all letters in one file, or print letters generated for contacts with no mailing address, the issue is related to using an old/outdated temple. You will need to create a new template by copying one of the system templates to the My Templates folder and then configuring it). |
![]() We've added two new filters to the filters on the generate donation acknowledgments screen: one for gift type (gift or in-kind) and one for donor type (individual or organization). ![]() ![]() |
![]() On the Quick Search screen, you will now see an additional field for searching by contact (individual or organization). This field searches your contact records in real time as you type letters, allowing you to select a record from the list of matching contacts and navigating directly to the record. This allows you to verify if the searched for record exists in your system (rather than typing into the search field and running the search only to have no search results returned). ![]() ![]() |
![]() We just wanted to give you a heads up that within the next couple of weeks we will be releasing the ability to automatically sync your Fundly Pro crowdfunding campaign with your Fundly CRM. Information on donations and event sign ups entered into Fundly Pro will be automatically synced to your CRM. Look for more information coming in a couple of weeks. |
We are committed to ensuring a great user experience with our products and services and are continually striving to ensure our products meet the evolving needs of our customers. As always, we offer a variety of support options, including a tutorial library, daily webinars (fundlyevent.com), live help drop in sessions, and email support (support@fundly.com).
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Copyright © 2016 Fundly, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email communication as a valued opt-in Fundly user. |
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